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Revision as of 22:12, 26 July 2024 by Hochstrd (Talk | contribs)

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Cost $6
Type(s) Victory
Kingdom card? Yes
Set CornucopiaCornucopia & Guilds icon.png
Illustrator(s) Jessi J
Card text
Worth 2VP per 5 differently named cards you have (round down).

Fairgrounds is a Victory card from Cornucopia. Following Cornucopia's theme of variety, it increases in value as you get more differently named cards in your deck. In a standard game, its maximum possible value is 6; however, in some circumstances Fairgrounds can be built up to incredibly high point values.



Official FAQ

  • At the end of the game, this is worth 2VP per 5 differently named cards in your deck, rounded down.
  • So if you have 0-4 different cards, it is worth 0VP; if you have 5-9, it is worth 2VP; if you have 10-14, it is worth 4VP; if you have 15-19, it is worth 6VP; and so on.
  • By default there are only 17 differently named cards available in a game, but sometimes there may be more cards, such as via Young Witch'sYoung Witch.jpg setup rule, or due to TournamentTournament.jpg.
  • Use 8 Fairgrounds in a game with 2 players, and 12 for a game with 3 or more players.

Other Rules clarifications


Fairgrounds is a moderately influential alt-VP Victory card that rewards having a large variety of cards in your deck. Its relevance in a given Kingdom is heavily tied to how many unique cards you can reasonably expect to have in your deck by the end of the game. There are three general factors to look for as a result:

  1. How many total uniques are available in the Kingdom. In any given game, there are at least 17 differently named cards available (ten Kingdom cards, three Basic Treasures, three Basic Victory cards, and CurseCurse.jpg). This number (and therefore the maximum VP per copy of Fairgrounds) is greater with cards that add additional piles to the Kingdom (e.g. HorsesHorse.jpg or the Black MarketBlack Market.jpg deck), or piles that inherently contain many uniques (e.g. CastlesCastles.jpg or Split piles).
  2. How many uniques a strong deck can support. This number is often significantly different from the total number of uniques available. For example, out of the basic Kingdom cards, at least five (CurseCurse.jpg, EstateEstate.jpg, DuchyDuchy.jpg, ProvinceProvince.jpg, and CopperCopper.jpg) actively interfere with the functioning of your deck as stop cards that do not generate much or any payload. Similarly, if the Kingdom has many terminals and no village, gaining more than one of those terminals is likely suboptimal as you can only play one. As a result, Fairgrounds is usually best in engines which will often use multiple different cards as sources of draw, payload, terminal space, and deck control, or with many different cantrips which stress neither your deck’s terminal space nor your ability to draw. Exiling (e.g., via Camel TrainCamel Train.jpg or SanctuarySanctuary.jpg) or similar effects can also allow you to add more uniques than your deck could otherwise support.
  3. How easily you can add the relevant uniques to your deck (i.e., the presence or absence of +Buy sources or gainers). Even if there are many viable uniques present, it may take too long to power up your Fairgrounds without additional gains.

When evaluated in such a way, it’s usually possible to compare the expected VP you could make Fairgrounds worth against the other scoring options available, and evaluate its relevance as a result. In most Kingdoms, Fairgrounds ends up serving as supplemental VP in the endgame when you cannot afford a ProvinceProvince.jpg, similar to DuchyDuchy.jpg but giving more VP (provided that you have at least ten different cards in your deck). Less commonly, you can build a deck for which a Fairgrounds scores far more than a ProvinceProvince.jpg, and as a result will primarily score with Fairgrounds.

As with other sources of VP, Fairgrounds is typically best gained once you’re ready to start greening. Unlike many other sources, however, gaining non-essential or even harmful cards (e.g. CurseCurse.jpg) to increase your number of uniques may also be part of this phase; gaining cards solely to increase your unique count before this point is likely to interfere with building efficiently. Similarly, opting not to play your last copy of a one-shot such as a HorseHorse.jpg may also be important. Because Fairgrounds rewards you for every multiple of five uniques, keeping track of how many you have is important for evaluating whether these maneuvers will net VP.

There are several notable cases that increase the variety available for Fairgrounds.

  • Black MarketBlack Market.jpg adds a theoretically almost unlimited number of extra cards, but the number that you actually can and want to buy varies.
  • Shelters and Heirlooms are already in your deck at the beginning of the game, so they are free uniques for Fairgrounds if trashing them is impossible. If it is possible you may need to weigh the potential for greater VP against their detrimental effect on deck control.
  • CastlesCastles.jpg and Prizes are additional cards that you will often want anyway, though it will be impossible to gain all the possible uniques if your opponents are contesting them. Spirits are also generally useful and particularly relevant when all three are available with ExorcistExorcist.jpg.
  • Extra cards like the Bane pile of Young WitchYoung Witch.jpg, PotionPotion.jpg, MercenaryMercenary.jpg, MadmanMadman.jpg, SpoilsSpoils.jpg, HorseHorse.jpg, and split piles add one additional unique, which may matter for Fairgrounds.
  • Ruins add up to five new cards (depending on the composition of the Ruins pile). You would usually rather avoid getting them, but if you gain them from an Attack such as CultistCultist.jpg and cannot trash them they can make your Fairgrounds worth more. Buying them is a line of play that you may employ in the endgame to reach the next threshold of five cards.
  • KnightsKnights.jpg add even more new cards than CastlesCastles.jpg but do not tend to remain in decks as they trash each other, and as a result are not reliably helpful for scoring with Fairgrounds.

Fairgrounds’ possibly asymmetric value to you and your opponents can make it worthwhile to gain copies primarily for the purpose of denying them to your opponents. If, for example, you are relying primarily on ProvinceProvince.jpg to score VP while your opponent’s Fairgrounds are worth 8 VP or more, it may be worth it to deny them some copies, as even if you yourself directly score a smaller amount of VP than they would it reduces the total amount of VP your opponents can score.

MuseumMuseum.jpg naturally synergizes well with Fairgrounds because it also rewards VP for having many different cards in your deck. Wolf DenWolf Den.jpg, on the other hand, makes scoring with Fairgrounds much more difficult because you will get a VP penalty unless you add two copies of every card to your deck. This is sometimes impossible, such as with Shelters and CastlesCastles.jpg, and in other cases at least takes extra resources and hinders your deck control.

External strategy articles

Note: Article(s) below are by individual authors and may not represent the community's current views on cards, but may provide more in-depth information or give historical perspective. Caveat emptor.


English versions

Print Digital Text Release Date
Fairgrounds Fairgrounds from Goko/Making Fun Worth 2VP for every 5 differently named cards in your deck (round down). Cornucopia June 2011
Fairgrounds Fairgrounds from Shuffle iT Worth 2VP per 5 differently named cards you have (round down). Guilds & Cornucopia
(2017 printing)
March 2018
Fairgrounds Worth 2VP per 5 differently named cards you have (round down). Cornucopia & Guilds
(Second Edition)
March 2024

Other language versions

Language Name Print Digital Text Notes
Czech Tržiště (lit. marketplace)
Dutch Kermisterrein
Finnish Markkinat (lit. fair)
French Champ de foire French language Fairgrounds 2021 from Shuffle iT Vaut 2VP pour chaque 5 cartes de noms différents que vous avez (arrondi inférieurement).
German Festplatz German language Fairgrounds 2019 by ASS Wert 2 VP
für je 5 Karten mit unterschiedlichen Namen im eigenen Kartensatz (abgerundet).
one or more other
versions listed here
Festplatz German language Fairgrounds 2021 from Shuffle iT Wert 2VP für je 5 Karten mit unterschiedlichen Namen, die du besitzt (abgerundet).
Italian Mercatino (lit. flea market)
Japanese 品評会 (pron. hinpyō-kai, lit. fair) あなたのカード5種類 (端数切り捨て)につき2VP
Polish Odpust Polish language Fairgrounds Ta karta jest warta 2 VP za każde 5 kart o innych tytułach w twojej talii (zaokrąglając w dół).
Russian Ярмарка (pron. yarmarka, lit. fair)
Spanish Recinto Ferial


Official card art.

Secret History

I wanted a victory card in the set, because I always do. My ideas list had two cards that seemed especially promising, and the other one fit the hand theme, but it didn't work out. So I put this one in, with no idea that it would end up defining the set. The first version cost $6 and was worth 1VP per 3 differently named cards in your deck. Then it cost $5. Briefly there was, cost $6, worth 1VP for every 2 differently named cards in your deck, other than CopperCopper.jpg and EstateEstate.jpg. John Vogel suggested the formula it actually has. There was some debate about what formula was perfect (especially with Tom Lehmann and Wei-Hwa Huang), but the important thing was, that you had sufficient incentive to collect everything.

Relevant outtakes

The mentioned outtake eventually got used on Animal FairAnimal Fair.jpg and AdvanceAdvance.jpg.

Before Fairgrounds, I tried a VP card with an alternate cost. Instead of paying for it, you could trash two Action cards from your hand. You don't want to trash your Action cards though, so this didn't end up being very interesting.

Further development comments

Here are some more formulas that were suggested.

"1VP. Worth +1VP extra for every three differently named (supply) cards in your deck, except for CopperCopper.jpg and EstateEstate.jpg."

This was the last thing they suggested. As Tom said, the goal was to make Fairgrounds change value in more places (while being balanced). It had originally changed every 2 or 3 cards, now it was only changing every 5 cards. This wasn't a priority for me; I just wanted to make sure Fairgrounds was worth going for sometimes, i.e. getting ~15 different cards for. I didn't want the card to be more complex and sure wanted to count non-supply cards, because you know, that's fun.

"1VP per differently named card, minus 10"

Wei-Hwa suggested this, and I played a few games with it. Wei-Hwa ended up deciding it was not actually an improvement. It has a certain charm, and the math is easy. For me it was much more of a real option than these other ones. It didn't work out though.

"Worth 4VP if you have at least 10 differently named cards in your deck, or 5VP if you have 13 or 14, or 6VP if you have 15 or more."

A few people, including Dale, suggested using a chart. This is the simplest chart you could do. I didn't want a chart because I wanted the card to keep getting better in situations where you could get more cards. It feels bad to limit it even if it mostly doesn't change things.

"Worth 1VP for every two differently named cards in your deck, except for EstateEstate.jpg, CopperCopper.jpg, SilverSilver.jpg, Fairgrounds"

I'm not sure if Wei-Hwa suggested this one, but I see it in the file. I was never fond of the list-of-exemptions approach, though I think I suggested the first one (exempting CopperCopper.jpg and EstateEstate.jpg).

There were more suggestions beyond these, but they get progressively less interesting, and I don't think I actually played any of them.

As you can see, some work was put into this simple card! The next time you buy a CurseCurse.jpg to gain points, remember these brave souls.

Cards $2 HamletHamlet.jpg $3 Fortune TellerFortune Teller.jpgMenagerieMenagerie.jpg $4 Farming VillageFarming Village.jpgHorse TradersHorse Traders.jpgRemakeRemake.jpgTournamentTournament.jpg (Prizes: Bag of GoldBag of Gold.jpgDiademDiadem.jpgFollowersFollowers.jpgPrincessPrincess.jpgTrusty SteedTrusty Steed.jpg) • Young WitchYoung Witch.jpg $5 HarvestHarvest.jpgHorn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpgHunting PartyHunting Party.jpgJesterJester.jpg $6 FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg
Dominion Cards
Basic cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg
Dominion $2 CellarCellar.jpgChapelChapel.jpgMoatMoat.jpg $3 HarbingerHarbinger.jpg • MerchantMerchant.jpgVassalVassal.jpgVillageVillage.jpgWorkshopWorkshop.jpg $4 BureaucratBureaucrat.jpgGardensGardens.jpgMilitiaMilitia.jpgMoneylenderMoneylender.jpgPoacherPoacher.jpgRemodelRemodel.jpgSmithySmithy.jpgThrone RoomThrone Room.jpg $5 BanditBandit.jpgCouncil RoomCouncil Room.jpgFestivalFestival.jpgLaboratoryLaboratory.jpgLibraryLibrary.jpgMarketMarket.jpgMineMine.jpgSentrySentry.jpg • WitchWitch.jpg $6 ArtisanArtisan.jpg
Removed cards: $3 ChancellorChancellor.jpgWoodcutterWoodcutter.jpg $4 FeastFeast.jpgSpySpy.jpgThiefThief.jpg $6 AdventurerAdventurer.jpg
Intrigue $2 CourtyardCourtyard.jpgLurkerLurker.jpgPawnPawn.jpg $3 MasqueradeMasquerade.jpgShanty TownShanty Town.jpgStewardSteward.jpgSwindlerSwindler.jpgWishing WellWishing Well.jpg $4 BaronBaron.jpgBridgeBridge.jpgConspiratorConspirator.jpgDiplomatDiplomat.jpgIronworksIronworks.jpgMillMill.jpgMining VillageMining Village.jpgSecret PassageSecret Passage.jpg $5 CourtierCourtier.jpgDukeDuke.jpgMinionMinion.jpgPatrolPatrol.jpgReplaceReplace.jpgTorturerTorturer.jpgTrading PostTrading Post.jpgUpgradeUpgrade.jpg $6 FarmFarm.jpgNoblesNobles.jpg
Removed cards: $2 Secret ChamberSecret Chamber.jpg $3 Great HallGreat Hall.jpg $4 CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpgScoutScout.jpg $5 SaboteurSaboteur.jpgTributeTribute.jpg $6 HaremHarem.jpg
Seaside $2 HavenHaven.jpgLighthouseLighthouse.jpgNative VillageNative Village.jpg $3 AstrolabeAstrolabe.jpgFishing VillageFishing Village.jpgLookoutLookout.jpgMonkeyMonkey.jpgSea ChartSea Chart.jpgSmugglersSmugglers.jpgWarehouseWarehouse.jpg $4 BlockadeBlockade.jpgCaravanCaravan.jpgCutpurseCutpurse.jpgIslandIsland.jpgSailorSailor.jpgSalvagerSalvager.jpgTide PoolsTide Pools.jpgTreasure MapTreasure Map.jpg $5 BazaarBazaar.jpgCorsairCorsair.jpgMerchant ShipMerchant Ship.jpgOutpostOutpost.jpgPiratePirate.jpgSea WitchSea Witch.jpgTacticianTactician.jpgTreasuryTreasury.jpgWharfWharf.jpg
Removed cards: $2 EmbargoEmbargo.jpgPearl DiverPearl Diver.jpg $3 AmbassadorAmbassador.jpg $4 NavigatorNavigator.jpgPirate ShipPirate Ship.jpgSea HagSea Hag.jpg $5 ExplorerExplorer.jpgGhost ShipGhost Ship.jpg
Alchemy P TransmuteTransmute.jpgVineyardVineyard.jpg $2 HerbalistHerbalist.jpg $2P ApothecaryApothecary.jpgScrying PoolScrying Pool.jpgUniversityUniversity.jpg $3P AlchemistAlchemist.jpgFamiliarFamiliar.jpgPhilosopher's StonePhilosopher's Stone.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $4P GolemGolem.jpg $5 ApprenticeApprentice.jpg $6P PossessionPossession.jpg
Prosperity $3 AnvilAnvil.jpgWatchtowerWatchtower.jpg $4 BishopBishop.jpgClerkClerk.jpgInvestmentInvestment.jpgTiaraTiara.jpgMonumentMonument.jpgQuarryQuarry.jpgWorker's VillageWorker's Village.jpg $5 CharlatanCharlatan.jpgCityCity.jpgCollectionCollection.jpgCrystal BallCrystal Ball.jpgMagnateMagnate.jpgMintMint.jpgRabbleRabble.jpgVaultVault.jpgWar ChestWar Chest.jpg $6 HoardHoard.jpg $6* Grand MarketGrand Market.jpg $7 BankBank.jpgExpandExpand.jpgForgeForge.jpgKing's CourtKing's Court.jpg $8star PeddlerPeddler.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
Removed cards: $3 LoanLoan.jpgTrade RouteTrade Route.jpg $4 TalismanTalisman.jpg $5 ContrabandContraband.jpgCounting HouseCounting House.jpgMountebankMountebank.jpgRoyal SealRoyal Seal.jpgVentureVenture.jpg $6 GoonsGoons.jpg
Cornucopia & Guilds $2 Candlestick MakerCandlestick Maker.jpgHamletHamlet.jpg $2+ FarrierFarrier.jpgStonemasonStonemason.jpg $3 MenagerieMenagerie.jpgShopShop.jpg $3+ InfirmaryInfirmary.jpg $4 AdvisorAdvisor.jpgFarmhandsFarmhands.jpgPlazaPlaza.jpgRemakeRemake.jpgYoung WitchYoung Witch.jpg $4+ HeraldHerald.jpg $5 BakerBaker.jpgButcherButcher.jpgCarnivalCarnival.jpgFerrymanFerryman.jpgFootpadFootpad.jpgHorn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpgHunting PartyHunting Party.jpgJesterJester.jpgJourneymanJourneyman.jpgJoustJoust.jpg (Rewards: CoronetCoronet.jpgCourserCourser.jpgDemesneDemesne.jpgHousecarlHousecarl.jpgHuge TurnipHuge Turnip.jpgRenownRenown.jpg)• Merchant GuildMerchant Guild.jpgSoothsayerSoothsayer.jpg $6 FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg
Removed cards: $3 Fortune TellerFortune Teller.jpg $3+ DoctorDoctor.jpgMasterpieceMasterpiece.jpg $4 Farming VillageFarming Village.jpgHorse TradersHorse Traders.jpgTaxmanTaxman.jpgTournamentTournament.jpg (Prizes: Bag of GoldBag of Gold.jpgDiademDiadem.jpgFollowersFollowers.jpgPrincessPrincess.jpgTrusty SteedTrusty Steed.jpg) $5 HarvestHarvest.jpg
Hinterlands $2 CrossroadsCrossroads.jpgFool's GoldFool's Gold.jpg $3 DevelopDevelop.jpgGuard DogGuard Dog.jpgOasisOasis.jpgSchemeScheme.jpgTunnelTunnel.jpg $4 Jack of All TradesJack of All Trades.jpgNomadsNomads.jpgSpice MerchantSpice Merchant.jpgTraderTrader.jpgTrailTrail.jpgWeaverWeaver.jpg $5 BerserkerBerserker.jpgCartographerCartographer.jpgCauldronCauldron.jpgHagglerHaggler.jpgHighwayHighway.jpgInnInn.jpgMargraveMargrave.jpgSoukSouk.jpgStablesStables.jpgWheelwrightWheelwright.jpgWitch's HutWitch's Hut.jpg $6 Border VillageBorder Village.jpgFarmlandFarmland.jpg
Removed cards: $2 DuchessDuchess.jpg $3 OracleOracle.jpg $4 Noble BrigandNoble Brigand.jpgNomad CampNomad Camp.jpgSilk RoadSilk Road.jpg $5 CacheCache.jpgEmbassyEmbassy.jpgIll-Gotten GainsIll-Gotten Gains.jpgMandarinMandarin.jpg
Dark Ages $0 Ruins (Abandoned MineAbandoned Mine.jpgRuined LibraryRuined Library.jpgRuined MarketRuined Market.jpgRuined VillageRuined Village.jpgSurvivorsSurvivors.jpg) $0* SpoilsSpoils.jpg $1 Poor HousePoor House.jpgShelters (HovelHovel.jpgNecropolisNecropolis.jpgOvergrown EstateOvergrown Estate.jpg) $2 BeggarBeggar.jpgSquireSquire.jpgVagrantVagrant.jpg $3 ForagerForager.jpgHermitHermit.jpg (MadmanMadman.jpg) • Market SquareMarket Square.jpgSageSage.jpgStoreroomStoreroom.jpgUrchinUrchin.jpg (MercenaryMercenary.jpg) $4 ArmoryArmory.jpgDeath CartDeath Cart.jpgFeodumFeodum.jpgFortressFortress.jpgIronmongerIronmonger.jpgMarauderMarauder.jpgProcessionProcession.jpgRatsRats.jpgScavengerScavenger.jpgWandering MinstrelWandering Minstrel.jpg $5 Band of MisfitsBand of Misfits.jpgBandit CampBandit Camp.jpgCatacombsCatacombs.jpgCountCount.jpgCounterfeitCounterfeit.jpgCultistCultist.jpgGraverobberGraverobber.jpgJunk DealerJunk Dealer.jpgKnightsKnights.jpg (Dames AnnaDame Anna.jpgJosephineDame Josephine.jpgMollyDame Molly.jpgNatalieDame Natalie.jpgSylviaDame Sylvia.jpg • Sirs BaileySir Bailey.jpgDestrySir Destry.jpgMartinSir Martin.jpgMichaelSir Michael.jpgVanderSir Vander.jpg) • MysticMystic.jpgPillagePillage.jpgRebuildRebuild.jpgRogueRogue.jpg $6 AltarAltar.jpgHunting GroundsHunting Grounds.jpg
Adventures $2 Coin of the RealmCoin of the Realm.jpgPagePage.jpg (Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter.jpgWarriorWarrior.jpgHeroHero.jpgChampionChampion.jpg) • PeasantPeasant.jpg (SoldierSoldier.jpgFugitiveFugitive.jpgDiscipleDisciple.jpgTeacherTeacher.jpg) • RatcatcherRatcatcher.jpgRazeRaze.jpg $3 AmuletAmulet.jpgCaravan GuardCaravan Guard.jpgDungeonDungeon.jpgGearGear.jpgGuideGuide.jpg $4 DuplicateDuplicate.jpgMagpieMagpie.jpgMessengerMessenger.jpgMiserMiser.jpgPortPort.jpgRangerRanger.jpgTransmogrifyTransmogrify.jpg $5 ArtificerArtificer.jpgBridge TrollBridge Troll.jpgDistant LandsDistant Lands.jpgGiantGiant.jpgHaunted WoodsHaunted Woods.jpgLost CityLost City.jpgRelicRelic.jpgRoyal CarriageRoyal Carriage.jpgStorytellerStoryteller.jpgSwamp HagSwamp Hag.jpgTreasure TroveTreasure Trove.jpgWine MerchantWine Merchant.jpg $6 HirelingHireling.jpg
Events: $0 AlmsAlms.jpgBorrowBorrow.jpgQuestQuest.jpg $1 SaveSave.jpg $2 Scouting PartyScouting Party.jpgTravelling FairTravelling Fair.jpg $3 BonfireBonfire.jpgExpeditionExpedition.jpgFerryFerry.jpgPlanPlan.jpg $4 MissionMission.jpgPilgrimagePilgrimage.jpg $5 BallBall.jpgRaidRaid.jpgSeawaySeaway.jpgTradeTrade.jpg $6 Lost ArtsLost Arts.jpgTrainingTraining.jpg $7 InheritanceInheritance.jpg $8 PathfindingPathfinding.jpg
Empires 4D EngineerEngineer.jpg 8D City QuarterCity Quarter.jpgOverlordOverlord.jpgRoyal BlacksmithRoyal Blacksmith.jpg $2 EncampmentEncampment.jpg/PlunderPlunder.jpgPatricianPatrician.jpg/EmporiumEmporium.jpgSettlersSettlers.jpg/Bustling VillageBustling Village.jpg $3 CastlesCastles.jpg (HumbleHumble Castle.jpgCrumblingCrumbling Castle.jpgSmallSmall Castle.jpgHauntedHaunted Castle.jpgOpulentOpulent Castle.jpgSprawlingSprawling Castle.jpgGrandGrand Castle.jpgKing'sKing's Castle.jpg) • CatapultCatapult.jpg/RocksRocks.jpgChariot RaceChariot Race.jpgEnchantressEnchantress.jpgFarmers' MarketFarmers' Market.jpgGladiatorGladiator.jpg/FortuneFortune.jpg $4 SacrificeSacrifice.jpgTempleTemple.jpgVillaVilla.jpg $5 ArchiveArchive.jpgCapitalCapital.jpgCharmCharm.jpgCrownCrown.jpgForumForum.jpgGroundskeeperGroundskeeper.jpgLegionaryLegionary.jpgWild HuntWild Hunt.jpg
Events: 5D TriumphTriumph.jpg 8D AnnexAnnex.jpgDonateDonate.jpg $0 AdvanceAdvance.jpg $2 DelveDelve.jpgTaxTax.jpg $3 BanquetBanquet.jpg $4 RitualRitual.jpgSalt the EarthSalt the Earth.jpg $43D WeddingWedding.jpg $5 WindfallWindfall.jpg $6 ConquestConquest.jpg $14 DominateDominate.jpg
Landmarks: AqueductAqueduct.jpgArenaArena.jpgBandit FortBandit Fort.jpgBasilicaBasilica.jpgBathsBaths.jpgBattlefieldBattlefield.jpgColonnadeColonnade.jpgDefiled ShrineDefiled Shrine.jpgFountainFountain.jpgKeepKeep.jpgLabyrinthLabyrinth.jpgMountain PassMountain Pass.jpgMuseumMuseum.jpgObeliskObelisk.jpgOrchardOrchard.jpgPalacePalace.jpgTombTomb.jpgTowerTower.jpgTriumphal ArchTriumphal Arch.jpgWallWall.jpgWolf DenWolf Den.jpg
Nocturne $0* Will-o'-WispWill-o'-Wisp.jpgWishWish.jpg $2 DruidDruid.jpgFaithful HoundFaithful Hound.jpgGuardianGuardian.jpgMonasteryMonastery.jpgPixiePixie.jpg (GoatGoat.jpg) • TrackerTracker.jpg (PouchPouch.jpg) $2* ImpImp.jpg $3 ChangelingChangeling.jpgFoolFool.jpg (Lost in the WoodsLost in the Woods.jpgLucky CoinLucky Coin.jpg) • Ghost TownGhost Town.jpgLeprechaunLeprechaun.jpgNight WatchmanNight Watchman.jpgSecret CaveSecret Cave.jpg (Magic LampMagic Lamp.jpg) $4 BardBard.jpgBlessed VillageBlessed Village.jpgCemeteryCemetery.jpg (Haunted MirrorHaunted Mirror.jpg) • ConclaveConclave.jpgDevil's WorkshopDevil's Workshop.jpgExorcistExorcist.jpgNecromancerNecromancer.jpg (Zombies: ApprenticeZombie Apprentice.jpgMasonZombie Mason.jpgSpyZombie Spy.jpg) • ShepherdShepherd.jpg (PasturePasture.jpg) • SkulkSkulk.jpg $4* GhostGhost.jpg $5 CobblerCobbler.jpgCryptCrypt.jpgCursed VillageCursed Village.jpgDen of SinDen of Sin.jpgIdolIdol.jpgPookaPooka.jpg (Cursed GoldCursed Gold.jpg) • Sacred GroveSacred Grove.jpgTormentorTormentor.jpgTragic HeroTragic Hero.jpgVampireVampire.jpg (BatBat.jpg) • WerewolfWerewolf.jpg $6 RaiderRaider.jpg
Boons: The Earth's GiftThe Earth's Gift.jpgFieldThe Field's Gift.jpgFlameThe Flame's Gift.jpgForestThe Forest's Gift.jpgMoonThe Moon's Gift.jpgMountainThe Mountain's Gift.jpgRiverThe River's Gift.jpgSeaThe Sea's Gift.jpgSkyThe Sky's Gift.jpgSunThe Sun's Gift.jpgSwampThe Swamp's Gift.jpgWindThe Wind's Gift.jpg
Hexes: Bad OmensBad Omens.jpgDelusionDelusion.jpg (DeludedDeluded.jpg) • EnvyEnvy.jpg (EnviousEnvious.jpg) • FamineFamine.jpgFearFear.jpgGreedGreed.jpgHauntingHaunting.jpgLocustsLocusts.jpgMiseryMisery.jpg (MiserableMiserable.jpg/Twice MiserableTwice Miserable.jpg) • PlaguePlague.jpgPovertyPoverty.jpgWarWar.jpg
Renaissance $2 Border GuardBorder Guard.jpg (HornHorn.jpgLanternLantern.jpg) • DucatDucat.jpgLackeysLackeys.jpg $3 Acting TroupeActing Troupe.jpgCargo ShipCargo Ship.jpgExperimentExperiment.jpgImproveImprove.jpg $4 Flag BearerFlag Bearer.jpg (FlagFlag.jpg) • HideoutHideout.jpgInventorInventor.jpgMountain VillageMountain Village.jpgPatronPatron.jpgPriestPriest.jpgResearchResearch.jpgSilk MerchantSilk Merchant.jpg $5 Old WitchOld Witch.jpgRecruiterRecruiter.jpgScepterScepter.jpgScholarScholar.jpgSculptorSculptor.jpgSeerSeer.jpgSpicesSpices.jpgSwashbucklerSwashbuckler.jpg (Treasure ChestTreasure Chest.jpg) • TreasurerTreasurer.jpg (KeyKey.jpg) • VillainVillain.jpg
Projects: $3 CathedralCathedral.jpgCity GateCity Gate.jpgPageantPageant.jpgSewersSewers.jpgStar ChartStar Chart.jpg $4 ExplorationExploration.jpgFairFair.jpgSilosSilos.jpgSinister PlotSinister Plot.jpg $5 AcademyAcademy.jpgCapitalismCapitalism.jpgFleetFleet.jpgGuildhallGuildhall.jpgPiazzaPiazza.jpgRoad NetworkRoad Network.jpg $6 BarracksBarracks.jpgCrop RotationCrop Rotation.jpgInnovationInnovation.jpg $7 CanalCanal.jpg $8 CitadelCitadel.jpg
Menagerie $2 Black CatBlack Cat.jpgSleighSleigh.jpgSuppliesSupplies.jpg $3 Camel TrainCamel Train.jpgGoatherdGoatherd.jpgScrapScrap.jpgSheepdogSheepdog.jpgSnowy VillageSnowy Village.jpgStockpileStockpile.jpg $3* HorseHorse.jpg $4 Bounty HunterBounty Hunter.jpgCardinalCardinal.jpgCavalryCavalry.jpgGroomGroom.jpgHostelryHostelry.jpgVillage GreenVillage Green.jpg $5 BargeBarge.jpgCovenCoven.jpgDisplaceDisplace.jpgFalconerFalconer.jpgGatekeeperGatekeeper.jpgHunting LodgeHunting Lodge.jpgKilnKiln.jpgLiveryLivery.jpgMastermindMastermind.jpgPaddockPaddock.jpgSanctuarySanctuary.jpg $5* FishermanFisherman.jpg $6* DestrierDestrier.jpgWayfarerWayfarer.jpg $7* Animal FairAnimal Fair.jpg
Events: $0 DelayDelay.jpgDesperationDesperation.jpg $2 GambleGamble.jpgPursuePursue.jpgRideRide.jpgToilToil.jpg $3 EnhanceEnhance.jpgMarchMarch.jpgTransportTransport.jpg $4 BanishBanish.jpgBargainBargain.jpgInvestInvest.jpgSeize the DaySeize the Day.jpg $5 CommerceCommerce.jpgDemandDemand.jpgStampedeStampede.jpg $7 ReapReap.jpg $8 EnclaveEnclave.jpg $10 AllianceAlliance.jpgPopulatePopulate.jpg
Ways: ButterflyWay of the Butterfly.jpgCamelWay of the Camel.jpgChameleonWay of the Chameleon.jpgFrogWay of the Frog.jpgGoatWay of the Goat.jpgHorseWay of the Horse.jpgMoleWay of the Mole.jpgMonkeyWay of the Monkey.jpgMouseWay of the Mouse.jpgMuleWay of the Mule.jpgOtterWay of the Otter.jpgOwlWay of the Owl.jpgOxWay of the Ox.jpgPigWay of the Pig.jpgRatWay of the Rat.jpgSealWay of the Seal.jpgSheepWay of the Sheep.jpgSquirrelWay of the Squirrel.jpgTurtleWay of the Turtle.jpgWormWay of the Worm.jpg
Allies $2 BaubleBauble.jpgSycophantSycophant.jpgTownsfolkTownsfolk.jpg (Town CrierTown Crier.jpg / BlacksmithBlacksmith.jpg / MillerMiller.jpg / ElderElder.jpg) $3 AugursAugurs.jpg (Herb GathererHerb Gatherer.jpg / AcolyteAcolyte.jpg / SorceressSorceress.jpg / SibylSibyl.jpg) • ClashesClashes.jpg (Battle PlanBattle Plan.jpg / ArcherArcher.jpg / WarlordWarlord.jpg / TerritoryTerritory.jpg) • FortsForts.jpg (TentTent.jpg / GarrisonGarrison.jpg / Hill FortHill Fort.jpg / StrongholdStronghold.jpg) • ImporterImporter.jpgMerchant CampMerchant Camp.jpgOdysseysOdysseys.jpg (Old MapOld Map.jpg / VoyageVoyage.jpg / Sunken TreasureSunken Treasure.jpg / Distant ShoreDistant Shore.jpg) • SentinelSentinel.jpgUnderlingUnderling.jpgWizardsWizards.jpg (StudentStudent.jpg / ConjurerConjurer.jpg / SorcererSorcerer.jpg / LichLich.jpg) $4 BrokerBroker.jpgCarpenterCarpenter.jpgCourierCourier.jpgInnkeeperInnkeeper.jpgRoyal GalleyRoyal Galley.jpgTownTown.jpg $5 BarbarianBarbarian.jpgCapital CityCapital City.jpgContractContract.jpgEmissaryEmissary.jpgGalleriaGalleria.jpgGuildmasterGuildmaster.jpgHighwaymanHighwayman.jpgHunterHunter.jpgModifyModify.jpgSkirmisherSkirmisher.jpgSpecialistSpecialist.jpgSwapSwap.jpg $6 MarquisMarquis.jpg
Allies: Architects' GuildArchitects' Guild.jpgBand of NomadsBand of Nomads.jpgCave DwellersCave Dwellers.jpgCircle of WitchesCircle of Witches.jpgCity-stateCity-state.jpgCoastal HavenCoastal Haven.jpgCrafters' GuildCrafters' Guild.jpgDesert GuidesDesert Guides.jpgFamily of InventorsFamily of Inventors.jpgFellowship of ScribesFellowship of Scribes.jpgForest DwellersForest Dwellers.jpgGang of PickpocketsGang of Pickpockets.jpgIsland FolkIsland Folk.jpgLeague of BankersLeague of Bankers.jpgLeague of ShopkeepersLeague of Shopkeepers.jpgMarket TownsMarket Towns.jpgMountain FolkMountain Folk.jpgOrder of AstrologersOrder of Astrologers.jpgOrder of MasonsOrder of Masons.jpgPeaceful CultPeaceful Cult.jpgPlateau ShepherdsPlateau Shepherds.jpgTrappers' LodgeTrappers' Lodge.jpgWoodworkers' GuildWoodworkers' Guild.jpg
Plunder $2 CageCage.jpgGrottoGrotto.jpgJewelled EggJewelled Egg.jpgSearchSearch.jpgShamanShaman.jpg $3 Secluded ShrineSecluded Shrine.jpgSirenSiren.jpgStowawayStowaway.jpgTaskmasterTaskmaster.jpg $4 AbundanceAbundance.jpgCabin BoyCabin Boy.jpgCrucibleCrucible.jpgFlagshipFlagship.jpgFortune HunterFortune Hunter.jpgGondolaGondola.jpgHarbor VillageHarbor Village.jpgLanding PartyLanding Party.jpgMapmakerMapmaker.jpgMaroonMaroon.jpgRopeRope.jpgSwamp ShacksSwamp Shacks.jpgToolsTools.jpg $5 Buried TreasureBuried Treasure.jpgCrewCrew.jpgCutthroatCutthroat.jpgEnlargeEnlarge.jpgFigurineFigurine.jpgFirst MateFirst Mate.jpgFrigateFrigate.jpgLongshipLongship.jpgMining RoadMining Road.jpgPendantPendant.jpgPickaxePickaxe.jpgPilgrimPilgrim.jpgQuartermasterQuartermaster.jpgSilver MineSilver Mine.jpgTricksterTrickster.jpgWealthy VillageWealthy Village.jpg $6 Sack of LootSack of Loot.jpg $7 King's CacheKing's Cache.jpg $7* Loots (AmphoraAmphora.jpgDoubloonsDoubloons.jpgEndless ChaliceEndless Chalice.jpgFigureheadFigurehead.jpgHammerHammer.jpgInsigniaInsignia.jpgJewelsJewels.jpgOrbOrb.jpgPrize GoatPrize Goat.jpgPuzzle BoxPuzzle Box.jpgSextantSextant.jpgShieldShield.jpgSpell ScrollSpell Scroll.jpgStaffStaff.jpgSwordSword.jpg)
Events: $1 BuryBury.jpg $2 AvoidAvoid.jpgDeliverDeliver.jpgPerilPeril.jpgRushRush.jpg $3 ForayForay.jpgLaunchLaunch.jpgMirrorMirror.jpgPreparePrepare.jpgScroungeScrounge.jpg $4 MaelstromMaelstrom.jpgJourneyJourney.jpg $6 LootingLooting.jpg $10 InvasionInvasion.jpgProsperProsper.jpg
Traits: CheapCheap.jpgCursedCursed.jpgFatedFated.jpgFawningFawning.jpgFriendlyFriendly.jpgHastyHasty.jpgInheritedInherited.jpgInspiringInspiring.jpgNearbyNearby.jpgPatientPatient.jpgPiousPious.jpgRecklessReckless.jpgRichRich.jpgShyShy.jpgTirelessTireless.jpg
Rising Sun 5D Mountain ShrineMountain Shrine.jpg 6D DaimyoDaimyo.jpg 8D ArtistArtist.jpg $2 FishmongerFishmonger.jpgSnake WitchSnake Witch.jpg $3 AristocratAristocrat.jpgCraftsmanCraftsman.jpgRiverboatRiverboat.jpgRoot CellarRoot Cellar.jpg $4 AlleyAlley.jpgChangeChange.jpgNinjaNinja.jpgPoetPoet.jpgRiver ShrineRiver Shrine.jpgRustic VillageRustic Village.jpg $5 Gold MineGold Mine.jpgImperial EnvoyImperial Envoy.jpgKitsuneKitsune.jpgLitterLitter.jpgRice BrokerRice Broker.jpgRoninRonin.jpgTanukiTanuki.jpgTea HouseTea House.jpg $6 SamuraiSamurai.jpg $7 RiceRice.jpg
Events: 8D ContinueContinue.jpg $2 AmassAmass.jpgAsceticismAsceticism.jpgCreditCredit.jpgForesightForesight.jpg $3 KintsugiKintsugi.jpgPracticePractice.jpg $4 Sea TradeSea Trade.jpg $5 Receive TributeReceive Tribute.jpg $7 GatherGather.jpg
Prophecies: Approaching ArmyApproaching Army.jpgBiding TimeBiding Time.jpgBureaucracyBureaucracy.jpgDivine WindDivine Wind.jpgEnlightenmentEnlightenment.jpgFlourishing TradeFlourishing Trade.jpgGood HarvestGood Harvest.jpgGreat LeaderGreat Leader.jpgGrowthGrowth.jpgHarsh WinterHarsh Winter.jpgKind EmperorKind Emperor.jpgPanicPanic.jpgProgressProgress.jpgRapid ExpansionRapid Expansion.jpgSicknessSickness.jpg
Promo $3 Black MarketBlack Market.jpgChurchChurch.jpg $4 DismantleDismantle.jpgEnvoyEnvoy.jpgSaunaSauna.jpg/AvantoAvanto.jpgWalled VillageWalled Village.jpg $5 GovernorGovernor.jpgMarchlandMarchland.jpgStashStash.jpg $6 CaptainCaptain.jpg $8 PrincePrince.jpg
Events: $5 SummonSummon.jpg
Base Cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
See also: Second EditionErrataOuttakes (Confusion) • Fan cardsCard storageList of cards (in other languages)
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