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===== Un-Dominion ideas =====
===== Un-Dominion ideas =====
This is a catch-all for "the rest" of the worst ideas. In general, you want to maintain the following ideas:
*Estates, Coppers, and Curses are junk cards. Things that remove their junk card status ({{card|Coppersmith}}, {{card|Counting House}}, {{event|Inheritance}}, {{card|Baron}}) are either terminal or an expensive and limited once-per-game, and the cases where you want a curse in your deck are limited, and you generally don't want more than one even if you want exactly one ({{landmark|Defiled Shrine}}, {{landmark|Museum}}).
*The game ends when the Provinces run out or any three piles do
*Infinite anything is busted
*Maintain the gap between a {{cost|4}}-card and a {{cost|5}}-card.
Pro-Dominion ideas, in contrast:
*Push your luck/Timing/I-know-that-you-know-that-I-know loops ({{landmark|Defiled Shrine}}, {{card|Wild Hunt}}, {{card|Tournament}})
*Competition for limited resources ({{card|Provinces}}, [[Artifacts]])
*Setting up for good turns ({{card|Lookout}}, {{card|Cartographer}}, {{card|Tactician}})
*Hurting other peoples next turns ({{card|Bureaucrat}}, {{card|Ghost Ship}}, {{card|Sea Hag}})
==== Specialized Cards ====
==== Specialized Cards ====

Revision as of 17:15, 6 January 2020

Fan cards are unofficial Dominion kingdom cards created by fans of the game for personal use.


Fan Card Creation Guide

The Fan Card Creation Guide is an extensive collection of tips and guidelines for fan created cards written by user rinkworks; Aquila later wrote an expansion/updated companion piece to it. The guide is well respected and often referenced in the design and critique of fan made cards.

The rinkworks guide is reproduced here in its entirety, with edits for clarity, formatting, and omitting outdated (first edition) information, with additional content from Aquila and spineflu


Way, Way TLDR: Playtest your fan cards.

The first rule about creating custom fan cards for Dominion is that you can ignore every single rule about it if you want to. Dominion is a game. Its purpose is fun. If you've got a card idea that sounds fun, do it. Playtest it. If it remains fun after scrutiny, keep playing with it.

Donald X. Vaccarino, the creator of Dominion, on house rules and variants: "I encourage people to play whatever game variants they want, provided they comply with local laws and are agreed upon by all players."

However, this guide might help you create balanced cards without falling into as many pitfalls along the way. If you get past all those, you might still have trouble figuring out how to cost your cards. This guide might help you there, too. Additionally, the later sections of the guide discuss issues related to creating artwork for your cards, printing them, and using them.

Dominion is a very simple, highly flexible game model, and it's very easy to add to. With that flexibility, though, is the potential to make uninteresting ideas. Whilst they may not be flawed, your ideas could get to be disappointing in some way after playing with them for a while. Particularly disappointing if you went through the trouble of getting them printed out. This guide aims to help make your good ideas into great ones before the final send-off to print, big reveal to your friends, etc.; it goes through the design process, identifying where people can take a bad turn, aiming to help refine your card ideas to be just what you want them to be. Whether a single card or a whole bunch of them, or your own expansion, this is going to help.

One last note: If you're going into fan card creation with the goal of showing Donald X your cards so he can tell you how good they are and that they'll be in the next dominion expansion, don't. With the exception of CourtyardCourtyard.jpg, DXV dislikes card submissions, avoids the Variants & Fan Cards subforum, and gets upset when they're posted in the endless interview thread.

General Tips

Know Your Canon

Be intimately familiar with all of the official Dominion cards and how to make the best use of them. You don't have to be an expert Dominion player, but you should be an expert at knowing what each card does and when and why you'd want to use it. Okay, so you don't technically have to know ALL the cards, but my point is that there are more design principles behind the published cards than you might think at first glance.

For example, do you know why Sea HagSea Hag.jpg discards the top card of your deck instead of just having you plunk the CurseCurse.jpg on top? (Answer: So multiple Sea Hags don't completely destroy your next turn.) Do you know why TournamentTournament.jpg gives +1 Action? (Answer: So a player with a Tournament in hand but no Province doesn't have to agonize over the uninteresting decision to risk playing Tournament at the expense of another terminal Action in his hand.) Do you know why OutpostOutpost.jpg won't let you take more than two turns in a row? (Answer: Otherwise you could build a deck that plays an Outpost every turn, shutting out all other players.)

Knowing why the official cards are the way they are will keep you out of the same traps they avoid.

Know Beyond the Canon

The Secret Histories and Endless Interview both have extremely valuable insights into what has and hasn't worked with official DXV playtesting.

The Variants and Fan Cards subforum - especially the Weekly Design Contest thread - can be a treasure trove of useful jumping off points and ideas that both work and don't work; a caveat with these is the date they were posted compared to which sets were available as "official" reference at the time - several things that used to be a semi-viable card were suddenly made overpowered in games with CapitalismCapitalism.jpg, or an official card did them better.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is a good thing. You don't want your cards to be any more complicated than they have to be. If you have an idea for a card, try to boil it down as simply as possible without losing the essence of the idea. Note, by the way, that by "simplicity," I'm talking about the concepts you use, not necessarily how complex and careful the the card text has to be to convey those concepts. Native VillageNative Village.jpg for example, has a wall of text on it, but that's okay since the concept itself is a simple one. Once players learn what it does, they don't have to reread the card text every time just to make sure each use conforms to every nuance.

Swing is a Miss

Try to recognize cards that will be "swingy" and avoid them, unless adding swinginess to the game is your intention. By "swingy," I mean a card that will tip the balance of the game too much, especially in a random way. In general, you want to reward good strategy, not random luck.

As an example, suppose you had an attack card that allowed you to take the top card of the deck of the player to your left. You might get lucky and turn up a ColonyColony.jpg, resulting in a 20-point swing in your favor — more than the margin of victory for many if not most Dominion games. Or you might get very unlucky and turn up a Curse, resulting in a 2-point swing against you. With such a card, strategic play scarcely matters. The winner is whoever gets luckier with that attack.

Swinginess does exist in the official Dominion cards but on a dramatically smaller scale. SaboteurSaboteur.jpg turning a Colony into a ProvinceProvince.jpg is only a 4-point swing. SwindlerSwindler.jpg turning a Province into a PeddlerPeddler.jpg is a defensible edge case. ThiefThief.jpg and BanditBandit.jpg only work on treasure: a plentiful, non-scoring resource. Also note that many of those swingy cards have been removed as of the Second Edition.

Scale Model

Make sure your card scales well to multiple players. It's okay if a card plays differently with different numbers of players — many of the official cards do, like JesterJester.jpg and Pirate ShipPirate Ship.jpg —but you don't want a card that only works with a certain number and is brokenly weak or brokenly strong otherwise. Note that it is no accident that WitchWitch.jpg affects all opponents, while TributeTribute.jpg only affects one. The other way around, and neither Witch nor Tribute would scale properly with different numbers of players.

Avoid Scripted Play

Try to avoid cards that encourage uninteresting strategies. You probably don't want to disincentivize creative or otherwise interesting play. As a trivial example, let's say you had a Duration card that prohibited other players from playing action cards while it's in play. This would cause all your opponents' Action cards to be dead cards. How would they defend against this? By not buying action cards and pursuing a money strategy instead. That, in turn, would discourage you from using your new Duration card in the first place, and the game would degenerate into a simple race for money.

You can't anticipate everything, but if you spend a little time to think about the impact your custom cards will have, you can save yourself a lot of playtesting time.

Fair isn't Balanced

Just because a card is "fair" doesn't make it "balanced." A card is "fair" if all players have equal opportunity to obtain the card and reap the same benefits from playing it. Fairness is good. But just because a card is fair doesn't make it balanced.

Imagine a Treasure/Victory card that costs $2, is worth $10, and counts 100VP at the end of the game. It's fair, as all players have equal opportunities to obtain it. But the optimal strategy, dramatically excluding all others, is to buy only those until the pile is gone. And then it doesn't matter what you do, because the loser of that race can't hope to make up the VP deficit with mere Provinces. The card is, while fair, grotesquely unbalanced.

Balance problems with fan cards are unfortunately going to be more subtle than this. Usually it's going to be a judgment call. If MinionMinion.jpg, SaboteurSaboteur.jpg, WharfWharf.jpg, and GoonsGoons.jpg had been fan cards, I'm pretty sure the reaction from experienced Dominion players would be to decry them as unbalanced. They do walk the edge. But the point is that balance isn't an objective yes or no but a judgment call: if they greatly shape the games they're in (as is also the case with GardensGardens.jpg, WitchWitch.jpg, AmbassadorAmbassador.jpg, and others), does that influence make the game more or less fun?

At the other extreme, as Donald X. has said, if you have a card that doesn't change the game at all, what's the point?

Common Pitfalls

The card ideas in this section come up frequently and are generally considered weak or broken for reasons that are not always obvious. I'll try to list these here and explain the problems with them. Again, though, keep my opening paragraph in mind. Do what you think will be fun, and if it's an idea on this list, so be it. But if you do, it's worth understanding the problems you're liable to face.


This section deals specifically with Reaction cards, which due to their ability to be played out-of-turn, warrants a whole section.

Mirror Force

Consider a reaction that harms the attacker, in particular reflecting the attack. This kind of idea comes up a lot. Sometimes the reaction is that the attack is reflected back on the attacker; at other times, some other form of harm befalls the attacker. Also variable is whether or not the attack still goes through to the reactor or not.

The basic problem with these kinds of reactions is that they make people afraid to play attack cards in the first place. And if they don't want to play attack cards, they don't buy attack cards. And if they don't buy attack cards, you won't have any need for your reaction card, either. The end result is that both the attacks and the reactions are left on the table.

There are more nuanced problems, too. Here's Donald X. on the subject:

As I usually tell people who want to show me cards, the obvious ideas are obvious to me too, and I had a big head start. For example Richard Garfield suggested 3 cards while he was playtesting Seaside. One was already in a set and has survived; one was already in a set but currently isn't in one although I have an idea for fixing it up. The third card was the reaction that reflects the attack, which I had had suggested so many times that I had already written up an essay on why it doesn't work.
The problem with defenses that attack is that, in 4-player games, there's a 1-to-3 ratio that goes the wrong way relative to the buying decision.
Let's consider 3 cards:
  • Point Eater. An attack that makes each other player lose 1 point. There's no Curse card involved; we'll track these points on a scoring track. I'm doing this to keep the analysis simple.
  • Revenge. When another player plays an attack card, reveal this to make them lose 1 point. It doesn't stop the attack. It only works for you once per attack, one way or another.
  • MoatMoat.jpg. As-is.
I am just considering 4-player games here, which is where the problem is at its worst.
I play Point Eater. Each other player is down a point. Or, from my perspective, I'm up a point.
You Moat my Point Eater. For you, that's worth a point - you were going to lose a point, but now you don't. For me, that's -1/3 points. I make two out of three opponents lose a point, which is roughly 2/3 of a point of a benefit. It's rough because, who knows, maybe two of the players suck and I only care about the other one; if that one Moats I break even and if they don't I'm up a point. But in general, it's not like that; I am more or less still up 2/3 of a point when just one player Moats. So again: The person who decided to buy Moat makes a point here - they would have been down a point but are not - and the person who decided to buy Point Eater is still up 2/3 of a point after the Moat. Both cards still reward their players for buying them.
You Revenge my Point Eater. For you, that's worth 1/3 of a point - one out of your three opponents lost a point. For me, the entire benefit of my attack is gone - I break even rather than being up a point. The person who decided to buy Revenge just got 1/3 of a point of benefit; the person who bought Point Eater got nothing. Revenge is a weak investment and Point Eater is horrible. Of course if this means no-one buys Point Eaters then Revenge is useless.
See, it's this 1-to-3 ratio. In the wrong direction.
We could make Revenge three times as powerful - the attacker loses 3 points. Then playing Revenge is worth a point, like playing Moat. Being on the receiving end means losing 2 points net. Attacking is really unattractive in this situation, while defending is just as good as it is with Moat. It's even worse if, as in this example, Revenge is cumulative. Everyone else Revenges and you end up down 8 points. If everyone had Moated, you would have broken even.
Or, we could make Revenge one third as powerful - the attacker loses 1/3 of a point. Then being on the receiving end is just like having your attack Moated - you are back to getting 2/3 of a point for your attack. Playing Revenge is pointless though - you are only up 1/9 of a point. You could make the rest of the card good enough that this was playable, but you would completely ignore the defensive part when deciding whether or not to buy this.
So that's the deal. You can't fix the problem by tweaking the cost of Revenge; you still have the bad ratio. The one thing you can do is change the ratio; for example, Revenge could make every opponent lose a point whenever any opponent attacked. Then it's an attack that your opponents have to enable. Which is not necessarily out of the question, but isn't super sexy.
Non-terminal Reactions

If you create a non-terminal reaction, it's important to think through the ramifications. In particular, consider drawing non-terminal reactions very carefully. The issue is that making reactions non-terminal allows a player to stock up on them and thus pretty much always have one in hand when needed. Imagine adding a Moat-like reaction to LaboratoryLaboratory.jpg. You could buy them all up without harm to your deck, render attacks useless on virtually every turn, and still have a strong deck in its own right.

This problem is not insurmountable. The Reaction effect doesn't have to be an "attacks stop dead" effect like Moat has, and/or the Action component doesn't have to be as strong as Laboratory. But if you contemplate a non-terminal Reaction card -- again, especially drawing non-terminals, which do little or no harm to buy en masse -- consider the ramifications to the gameplay if one or more players decide to spam them.

Revealing Multiple Times & Ways to Defuse it

A subtle but significant rule about Reaction cards is that they can be revealed an unlimited number of times in response to any single event. Many fan Reaction cards aren't designed with this rule in mind. Consider this Reaction card: "When another player plays an attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, +1 Card."

With such a card, the moment someone plays a single Witch, I can reveal it as many times as I need to to draw my entire deck and discard pile into my hand. The official Reaction cards don't have this problem because they either do not stack (Moat and Secret ChamberSecret Chamber.jpg, for example, don't do anything the second time that they can't do the first time) or cannot be reused (Horse TradersHorse Traders.jpg gets set aside when revealed).

If you have a Reaction effect that could stack if the card is revealed repeatedly, you can solve this problem either by using the Horse Traders mechanic of having the card set aside and returned to your hand later, or you can require that the card is discarded when revealed.

I'm sure these aren't the only viable solutions, but avoid special-case card text like, "You may only reveal this once per attack." The reason is that then it's hard for other players to account for whether you're revealing the same Reaction card multiple times or different copies of it in succession. This is especially true when you also have Secret Chamber, which could potentially rotate different copies of your other Reaction cards in and out of your hand

Reactions to things Other Than Attacks

Let me be clear: This is not a bad idea. There is probably a lot of design space still unexplored for Reactions that react to things other than attacks. The Dominion rules specifically allow for Reaction cards to be able to potentially react to any number of different kinds of events. But a word of caution: If you create a card that reacts to an event that no official Reaction card reacts to, think that through. A bad decision here could severely bog down the game.

For example, imagine the following card: "When another player plays a Treasure card, you may reveal and discard this card from your hand. If you do, the other player trashes the Treasure card immediately."

Here's the problem: Do you really want all players to have to wait, every single time they play a Treasure card, to see if anybody is going to play this Reaction to it? Without such a card, players will often lay their Treasure cards down all at once, which keeps the game moving quickly. But with such a Reaction card in play, it's strategically disadvantageous to do this, as then the Reactor will be able to make a more informed decision about which Treasure card he'd like to trash with it.

To date, the existing Reaction cards only react to events that would require that player to do something anyway. When someone plays MilitiaMilitia.jpg, there is already a natural pause in the game to wait for the other players to discard down to 3 cards in hand. The natural pause allows for the timely revealing of a Reaction card, like Moat, and not slow the game down any further. Similarly, WatchtowerWatchtower.jpg activates when the player holding a Watchtower in hand gains a card -- another moment in the game when the Reactor would be expected to act anyhow.

I'm not suggesting that Reaction cards should ONLY react to events that cause the Reactor to act. But they should probably only react to what are already natural breaks in the game.


Attack cards are another frequent avenue of Fan Card creation, which warrants a section specifically for them.

Trashing Attacks

An example of this is "Every other player trashes the top card of his deck." Donald X. frequently mentions this being a bad idea. The problem is that it's too swingy. One person loses a Curse. The next loses a Province. Unless a very swingy, very random game is what you're going for, you need to correct for this variance somehow. And then, even if you do, such cards usually aren't very fun. Players like to build up their decks. They get frustrated at seeing them regress.

The closest an official card comes to using this idea is SaboteurSaboteur.jpg, which corrects for the variance by allowing the player to gain a replacement card whose cost is determined by the cost of the trashed card. Even with this correction for balance, it's one of the least popular cards in the game.

Stacking Attacks

"Every other player discards a card" is an example of such a card. By itself, it's fine. But if it gets played multiple times -- which, even in a kingdom without a VillageVillage.jpg or Throne RoomThrone Room.jpg, can happen easily in a 4-player game -- then the game can degenerate into a state where players discard most or all of their hands all the time and can't do anything.

Many of the official Dominion cards are great examples of how to circumvent this problem. Notice that Militia doesn't read "discard two cards" but rather "discard down to 3 cards." TorturerTorturer.jpg does say "discard two cards" but allows a player to take a Curse instead. Sea Hag has you discard the top card of your deck to prevent five Sea Hags from obliterating your next turn.

CutpurseCutpurse.jpg does hurt in multiples, but its effect is limited to how many CopperCopper.jpg you have in your hand. The damage multiple BureaucratBureaucrat.jpg cards can do is similarly constrained to how many Victory cards you have in your hand, and the "gain a SilverSilver.jpg" clause of Bureaucrat cleverly dilutes a Bureaucrat-heavy deck, so that multiple Bureaucrats aren't likely to be played repeatedly throughout a game.

The bottom line is you don't want to have an attack so strong that it can, by itself or stacked, completely ruin the next player's turn. Otherwise you can wind up in a game state where one player is locked out of being able to make any meaningful progress.

Targeting & Political Attacks

By purposeful design, Dominion doesn't have attacks that target specific players. Many Dominion players appreciate the lack of politics in the game — that is, the inevitable over-the-table negotiations and protests that result whenever a game allows a player to choose a specific opponent to target — and thus may not appreciate a fan card that opens that door. That said, there is not necessarily anything broken about having targeted attacks in Dominion, so if that's what you want to do, go for it.

Donald X on the subject:

Dominion always had everyone-but-you-style attacks, and the reason it did was because that's what I do in all my multiplayer games that have attacks (that don't have some more game-specific solution). It was automatic. It did not involve any special calculations or testing for Dominion specifically. And then it worked because of course it works, it had already worked in all those other games. This comes naturally from making games at all. You make a game. It allows for directed attacks. Who do they attack? Man, you designed it. You must be the one who knows what's going on. They attack you. Of course it also comes from evenings spent whining about who gets the robber, man, Tom's winning, put it on that ore why don't you, wtf, don't trade with Tom, are you nuts, he's winning I tell you, look he's just about to get the longest road. I don't see any reason you couldn't make a game like Dominion with directed attacks. Some people like spending the evening whining about who not to trade with - it takes all kinds - and there's nothing about "your game state is stored in a deck of cards" that defeats that. I personally don't like those games and so Dominion isn't one of them. But if political games are possible at all then you can also make a political deckbuilding game. I don't agree with some of the other stuff you said either, but it's not like I want to talk about what exactly is possible on a Dominion card. And what, I'd just as soon have people making up directed attacks for their homemade cards; since I won't be doing those, it stops us from overlapping.
Attacks that offer no benefit

Like almost everything in this list, this is not a firm rule. But before you create an attack card that ONLY harms other players, consider that of all the official cards, there are only two Attack cards that don't also provide some form of benefit to the player. These are Sea Hag, which is so strong for its cost that any additional benefit would overpower it; and Saboteur, which would be even more unpleasant than it already is if there were any additional incentive to use it. Even attacks as brutal as MountebankMountebank.jpg, Witch, Ambassador, and Ghost ShipGhost Ship.jpg provide additional benefit to the player. Besides that benefit being necessary to achieve forward movement in the game, they also ensure that, if the attack portion is blocked by Moat, the attacking player hasn't utterly wasted his action.

All I'm getting at is that if you create an Attack card with no benefit, make sure the decision not to include a benefit was a conscious and considered choice and not just something you overlooked.


This section deals with cards that very drastically shape the game they're in. This isn't to say this is bad per se — official cards like ChapelChapel.jpg, BakerBaker.jpg, and any of the Heirloom cards do this as well — but these are things to be mindful of when designing a card.

Power Cards & Drawbacks

This comes up a lot, perhaps more than any other idea on this list. Examples are numerous. Basically you invent a cheap but powerful card and attach a negative VP penalty to try to balance it. On the surface, this idea presents an intriguing dilemma to the player: Do you take the hit to your score in the hopes that the extra power will enable you to overcome the deficit?

The problem is that there is essentially no way to make such a card balanced. In a kingdom where trashing is possible, the correct play is probably to buy these cards, reap their benefits, and trash them before the game ends, circumventing the penalty entirely. To balance the card in such a kingdom, the VP penalty would have to be quite steep, to offset the likelihood that the card will be trashed before the game ends. But if the VP penalty is steep enough to balance that situation, it will be way too steep in kingdoms without trashing available, as then the VP penalty would be too great to risk.

Many people try to correct this problem by adding a clause to the card such as "This card cannot be trashed" or "If this card is trashed, place it in your discard pile instead of the trash pile." This kind of special-case rule rubs me wrong (there's a section on special-case rules later), though it might be workable in this case. Another workaround people use is "When you buy this card, gain a Curse." Or, since the Curse pile can run out and gained Curse cards can be trashed, the concept of a "curse token" is employed: "When you buy this card, gain X curse tokens." A curse token would be worth -1 VP at the end of the game, similarly to how Prosperity's Victory Tokens are worth +1 VP at the end of the game.

Regardless, these solutions still come up short, although they're improvements on the original idea. The problem is that a power card can't be balanced with a fixed VP cost, for the simple reason that VP totals vary wildly from game to game, depending on the board. Dominion games can be won with 5 points and lost with 100. The difference between scores can be very small, meaning a -2 VP penalty could be decisive, or very large, making it insignificant.

A counterargument to this is that one of the basic strategic principles of Dominion is recognizing that every card is good in some situations and bad in others, so a card that is powerful sometimes and weak at other times is no problem at all. But this kind of card seems to be usually either dominant or suicidal and only rarely in between.

The best solution seems to be to cause a VP penalty to be incurred upon each USE of the card, rather than merely on the purchase of it. Then the VP penalty is directly proportional to the benefit you get from using it. In games with heavy-trashing, where the card would be used more often, the penalty is steeper. In no-trashing games, where the card would be used less often, the penalty is smaller.

Seemingly the two best ways to incur a penalty upon use of the card are (1) "Gain X curse tokens," and (2) "Gain a Curse. If you do...." The former incurs an irreversible VP penalty. The latter puts a stop to free power plays when the Curses run out. Both deal damage in proportion to the use you get out of the card.

Trash Picking

When cards are trashed, they're trashed for a reason. A fan card that does something like "Gain a card from the trash pile" is going to be useless most of the time, because even if there are trashers in the kingdom (and there may well not be), who want a Copper, EstateEstate.jpg, or Curse?

If there are trash-for-benefit cards in the kingdom (like SalvagerSalvager.jpg, ApprenticeApprentice.jpg, BishopBishop.jpg, and the RemodelRemodel.jpg family), then you might find something good in there, but this will only be a small minority of boards. And within that minority, there's a good chance the card will be brokenly powerful, and/or players will be dissuaded from using the trash-for-benefit cards on good cards in the first place.

RogueRogue.jpg, LurkerLurker.jpg, and GraverobberGraverobber.jpg retrieve cards from the trash, but they also put useful cards there to be retrieved at a later time. The balance is extremely delicate; any card that retrieves cards from the trash should be carefully tested.

Indefinite Duration

There is nothing inherently wrong with this idea, but a minor point: Usually this kind of idea is proposed with a new card type of "Permanent" or something. If the card otherwise behaves like a Duration card, then just call it a Duration card instead of inventing a new type. According to the Seaside rules, Duration cards stay out until the last turn in which they have an effect. Although the specific Duration cards in Seaside all get discarded after the following turn (except for a failed Tactician, which gets cleaned up immediately), the Duration type itself allows for a card to remain out for any arbitrary number of turns.

As of Renaissance, there are two cards that do this - HirelingHireling.jpg and ChampionChampion.jpg. Both involve opportunity cost to obtain - Hireling is terminal, and Champion requires climbing a Traveller ladder to get.

Projects and events like PathfindingPathfinding.jpg can also be thought of as this, with an opportunity cost of a Buy + some sum of money.

On Terminality

The presence or absence of +Actions might be the single most defining characteristic of an Action card. Two versions of the same card, differing only in one having +1 Action and the other not, will likely play wildly different from one another. It's not the differing number of +Cards, for example, that distinguishes Smithy from Laboratory.

There is no firm rule concerning what kinds of Action cards should be terminal and which non-terminal. That decision is largely subjective. However, many fan cards include +1 Action when they might be more interesting without it. Make sure you consider the gameplay ramifications both ways. The right choice will be the one that makes the game's strategy more interesting, not necessarily the one that makes the card more appealing to purchase and use.

Sometimes the lack of +Actions is best. Consider how much less interesting Courtyard would be if it provided +1 Action (assuming its price was adjusted to compensate). The strategic feature of the official version of the card -- being able to save a dead Action card for the next turn -- would be destroyed.

On the other hand, sometimes you need +Actions to make the card work. A terminal version of Minion would be cute but weak; certainly not a card that a whole strategy could be built around.

Adding +Villagers (or, in Capitalism games, +Coin) is another way to make a card non-terminal (consider PatronPatron.jpg) - then the player can decide whether they want to have the card be the last thing they play or not. However, giving Villagers willy-nilly may destroy the gameplay balance for more kingdoms than you'd like, rewarding stocking up on Attacks and terminal actions instead of building a well-thought-out deck.

Again, though, the distinction isn't always clear, and there isn't always one right answer. The important thing is just to consider the matter and make a thoughtful decision.

Golden Deck

Designing cards that award victory tokens is a trickier challenge than it seems. The reason is that you have to be careful not to allow a game to devolve into a game state where the optimum strategy for all players is to forego buying victory cards in favor of playing and replaying their victory-token-earning cards. Then the game never ends.

Of the three official cards that award victory tokens in Prosperity, two of them are tied to finite resources. GoonsGoons.jpg only awards victory tokens when you buy a card, which ensures that sooner or later the game will eventually end normally. BishopBishop.jpg awards tokens by trashing cards, which indirectly ensures the same thing -- if you don't buy cards, you won't have cards to trash.

MonumentMonument.jpg is the exception. In theory, if all players wind up with hands consisting of King's Court-King's Court-Monument-Monument-Monument, you could indeed wind up in an unending game state. But this doesn't really happen in practice, probably because of two things: one, Monument being a terminal makes it difficult to spam; two, it offers $, which encourages the purchase of cards.

The lesson these official cards teach us is that if you have a fan card that awards victory tokens, make sure the game can't wind up in an unending game state. If you can't prove this to yourself with theory (as is the case with Goons), then you'll need even more playtesting than usual to make sure.

Empires expanded on this a little bit - Chariot RaceChariot Race.jpg is a cantrip that can be a peddler+VP but only if you get lucky; Groundskeeper is a cantrip that can double up on the Goons effect, but only when buying Victory cards; and the Gathering cards all have their own wind-down (i'm skipping Crumbling CastleCrumbling Castle.jpg because it's on trash/on gain and while I guess you could all collectively gain it then Ambassador it back to the pile, it seems unlikely that'd ever happen, requiring a good deal of cooperation in an otherwise competitive game); likewise, the landmarks that give VP tokens are all either finite supply or involve trashing/gaining, and so wind-down the game anyways.

Un-Dominion ideas

This is a catch-all for "the rest" of the worst ideas. In general, you want to maintain the following ideas:

  • Estates, Coppers, and Curses are junk cards. Things that remove their junk card status (CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpg, Counting HouseCounting House.jpg, InheritanceInheritance.jpg, BaronBaron.jpg) are either terminal or an expensive and limited once-per-game, and the cases where you want a curse in your deck are limited, and you generally don't want more than one even if you want exactly one (Defiled ShrineDefiled Shrine.jpg, MuseumMuseum.jpg).
  • The game ends when the Provinces run out or any three piles do
  • Infinite anything is busted
  • Maintain the gap between a $4-card and a $5-card.

Pro-Dominion ideas, in contrast:

Specialized Cards

Reference Limited Card Types

Examples of this would include "Gain an attack card", or "If you have at least three duration cards in play", or "You may trash up to 3 Curses", or "+$1 for every dual-typed card in your hand." The problem with these cards is simply that if they show up in kingdoms without any of these types present, the card is useless.

You can still make such a card work if the card also has behavior that is sometimes worth buying anyway. This is the case with reaction cards such as Moat, Secret Chamber, and Horse Traders. In the absence of Attack cards in the kingdom, these may still be worth having for their other functions.

Another way to solve the problem is for the card itself to force the intended condition. For example, a card that specifically references PotionPotion.jpg cards is fine if it carries a Potion-based cost, as then, whenever that card would be present, Potions would be present also. Similarly, "Choose one: Trash any number of Curses from your hand; or every other player gains a Curse" would work, as then you wouldn't need a separate cursing card to be present.

Split piles, Heirlooms, and out-of-supply cards like MadmanMadman.jpg are other ways to force this synergy.

Resources Not Available

This is similar to the above. One example of this kind of card would be something that has "-1 Buy" on it. I actually think that's a really cool idea; the problem is that it's dead in a kingdom with no +Buy cards.

Another example would be DiademDiadem.jpg, a card whose behavior is based on having unused actions. Donald X. experimented with Diadem as a regular kingdom card but found it to be a dead card too often, as in many kingdoms there are no sources of extra actions. (But it works fine as a Prize, where it's not taking up a whole kingdom pile.)

Still another example is a repeatedly proposed fan card that does only this: "+1 Card, +1 Action." Normally, this does nothing, as it merely replaces both the card slot and the action it uses up. But the justification for it is that it helps enable ConspiratorConspirator.jpg, it lowers the price of Peddler, it can provide extra cards and actions with Throne RoomThrone Room.jpg or King's CourtKing's Court.jpg, it provides an extra unique card for Horn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpg, and so on. Yes, but the number of kingdoms with any of these cards in it is very small -- and in many of those, other cards will accomplish the same things. On the majority of boards, it's a dead pile.


An example of such a card would be, "If this is in your hand at the start of your turn, you must play it immediately." The problem is that players can't be held accountable for following this rule. You'd have to have each player reveal his hand at the start of every turn, just so the other players can confirm that there is no copy of that card in hand to play. Otherwise it would be easy to keep the card in hand and secretly discard it underneath the other cards during clean-up.

That said, if you only intend to use such a card when playing with friends you trust, by all means, try an idea like this out. Otherwise, make sure your cards allow for accountability. Note Bureaucrat and Cutpurse, which provide such a mechanism.

Not all of the cards in the first edition base set are fully accountable - These were fixed in the Second Edition. Throne Room, Mine, and Moneylender all required you to do something with a card in your hand, but if you don't have a card of the correct type, they don't tell you to reveal your hand to prove it. (Treasure MapTreasure Map.jpg, from Seaside, is also like this.) Donald X. has expressed regret over Throne Room specifically; however, these cards are not problematic since the "fix" for them was to make their effects optional, rather than adding in accountability to the requirement. On a card whose effect needs to be mandatory (e.g., the aforementioned Bureaucrat and Cutpurse attacks), accountability is much more important, and you should make sure your own cards allow for it.

Census Cards

There are lots of different incarnations of this. And example might be, "The player to your left reveals the top two cards of his deck. +$ equal to the number of victory points he reveals." Another one might be, "All players reveal their hands. The player with the least total treasure gains a Curse."

Sidestepping balance issues in these specific examples that might jump out at you, these types of cards are unworkable because it's not always easy to quantify how many victory points or how much treasure you have in your hand. If only the base Victory cards are out, fine, but what if Gardens, DukeDuke.jpg, VineyardVineyard.jpg, or FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg is in play? You can't really calculate how much these are "worth" until the end of the game.

Treasure values are similarly nebulous. Technically, treasure isn't worth any coins at all until it's played. When a treasure card is played, only then does it yield some number of coins. In the case of the base treasures, this amount is always the same. (Well, almost. See CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpg.) But BankBank.jpg, Philosopher's StonePhilosopher's Stone.jpg, and DiademDiadem.jpg vary, and PotionPotion.jpg's yield isn't in coins at all.

Better approaches would be to count the number of Treasure or Victory cards, or look at the costs of those cards. In the latter case, you'll still have special cases in Philosopher's Stone and Vineyards, but many other Dominion cards (Salvager, ForgeForge.jpg, Apprentice, etc) deal with (or ignore, in the case of Forge) Potion-based costs just fine.

Cost Comparison and The Almighty "Otherwise"

A thing to keep in mind with Dominion is there are three separate currencies to purchase things with - coin is by far the most common, but there is also Debt and Potions. Know how these compare (or don't) to each other.

Consider the last line of Chariot RaceChariot Race.jpg: "If your card cost more, +$1 and +1VP." When you play that and you reveal an OverlordOverlord.jpg and they reveal a SilverSilver.jpg, despite your card's price number being higher, it's in a non-comparable currency. You don't take the $1 and VP. If you reveal a UniversityUniversity.jpg and they reveal a SilverSilver.jpg, it likewise doesn't cost more. You're comparing apples and oranges.

This is where the big Otherwise comes in. Rather than handling each case individually - greater than, less than, equal to, orthogonal to - you can lump a bunch of those together into a "Do this if X; Otherwise, do that".

Special Case Rules

Before using a special-case rule, be very sure you cannot achieve the effect you're after any other way. Even then, think long and hard about whether your special-case rule will cause conflicts with other rules or cards.

For example, you might want to have a powerful card limited by the clause, "You may only play one copy of this card per turn." Fine, but what happens when GolemGolem.jpg turns up two copies of it? Which card's rules get broken?

A way around this specific example is how CrossroadsCrossroads.jpg works - "If this is the first time you play this, " - or how TormentorTormentor.jpg works - "If this is the only card in play,".

Other special case rules include the trash clause on FortressFortress.jpg, caring about odd/even quantities on IdolIdol.jpg, and which actions you can replay on ScepterScepter.jpg or Royal CarriageRoyal Carriage.jpg. Consider using these cards as templates when you're trying to do something "off script".

Generally it's better for cards to work within the rules of Dominion than to override them. Even if a special-case rule poses no problem with the current set of official cards, you never know if something in a future expansion will cause a conflict.

the Discard Pile

You don't want to make cards that care about the order of the Discard pile. An example of this would be, "Look at the top five cards of your Discard pile. Put two of them in your hand."

Usually opening up Dominion's strategy space is a good thing; once in a while, not so much. It's no accident that no official Dominion card cares about the order that cards appear in the discard pile. The moment you introduce one that does, suddenly every player who buys it will have to think very carefully about how they perform every single clean-up phase, just in case they happen to draw that card in the next hand. This will dramatically slow down the game, and most of the time it'll still be wasted effort.

Fan Card Creation Tools

Design Contests

Design contests for fan cards are run periodically by various users of the message board.

Card mock-up for Archivist made by jsimantov of Board Game Geek.

Dominion Fan Card Contest

In October 2011 user Davio organized a fan card creation contest.[1] As motivation to receive quality entries, Davio offered a modest prize of an Amazon gift card. Davio received 20 entries and allowed the community to vote on the winner. The chosen winner was Archivist, a card designed by rinkworks.[2] The card was an example of a single card engine, with the following card text:

  • Name: Archivist
  • Type: Action
  • Cost: $5
  • Card Text: +1 Action. Choose one: Draw until you have 6 cards in hand; or +$1 and discard 1 or more cards from your hand.

To the surprise of the community, Davio had secretly contacted dougz and the card was playable for a limited time on Isotropic.[3] This is the only instance of an unofficial Dominion card being playable on the public version of Isotropic.

Mini-Set Design Contest

As a followup to Davio's contest, rinkworks later launched a far more ambitious design contest. The second contest attempted to create a complete mini-set of cards, with every card in the set being designed, voted on, and fine tuned by members of the community. There was a full subforum dedicated to the contest on the forums.[4]

Weekly Design Contest

A follow-up contest to rinkwork's Set Design contest, the Weekly Design contest was started by Doom_Shark; it has a rotating judging criteria and its host is whoever won the previous week's contest. It has been running since Sept 2018. Its winners are posted in the Weekly Design Hall of Fame.


  1. Davio, "Dominion Fan Card Contest", Dominion Strategy Forum
  2. Davio, "Dominion Fan Card Contest", Dominion Strategy Forum
  3. Davio, "Fan Cards On Isotropic", Dominion Strategy Forum
  4. "Mini-Set Design Contest Subforum", Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion Cards
Basic cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg
Dominion $2 CellarCellar.jpgChapelChapel.jpgMoatMoat.jpg $3 HarbingerHarbinger.jpg • MerchantMerchant.jpgVassalVassal.jpgVillageVillage.jpgWorkshopWorkshop.jpg $4 BureaucratBureaucrat.jpgGardensGardens.jpgMilitiaMilitia.jpgMoneylenderMoneylender.jpgPoacherPoacher.jpgRemodelRemodel.jpgSmithySmithy.jpgThrone RoomThrone Room.jpg $5 BanditBandit.jpgCouncil RoomCouncil Room.jpgFestivalFestival.jpgLaboratoryLaboratory.jpgLibraryLibrary.jpgMarketMarket.jpgMineMine.jpgSentrySentry.jpg • WitchWitch.jpg $6 ArtisanArtisan.jpg
Removed cards: $3 ChancellorChancellor.jpgWoodcutterWoodcutter.jpg $4 FeastFeast.jpgSpySpy.jpgThiefThief.jpg $6 AdventurerAdventurer.jpg
Intrigue $2 CourtyardCourtyard.jpgLurkerLurker.jpgPawnPawn.jpg $3 MasqueradeMasquerade.jpgShanty TownShanty Town.jpgStewardSteward.jpgSwindlerSwindler.jpgWishing WellWishing Well.jpg $4 BaronBaron.jpgBridgeBridge.jpgConspiratorConspirator.jpgDiplomatDiplomat.jpgIronworksIronworks.jpgMillMill.jpgMining VillageMining Village.jpgSecret PassageSecret Passage.jpg $5 CourtierCourtier.jpgDukeDuke.jpgMinionMinion.jpgPatrolPatrol.jpgReplaceReplace.jpgTorturerTorturer.jpgTrading PostTrading Post.jpgUpgradeUpgrade.jpg $6 FarmFarm.jpgNoblesNobles.jpg
Removed cards: $2 Secret ChamberSecret Chamber.jpg $3 Great HallGreat Hall.jpg $4 CoppersmithCoppersmith.jpgScoutScout.jpg $5 SaboteurSaboteur.jpgTributeTribute.jpg $6 HaremHarem.jpg
Seaside $2 HavenHaven.jpgLighthouseLighthouse.jpgNative VillageNative Village.jpg $3 AstrolabeAstrolabe.jpgFishing VillageFishing Village.jpgLookoutLookout.jpgMonkeyMonkey.jpgSea ChartSea Chart.jpgSmugglersSmugglers.jpgWarehouseWarehouse.jpg $4 BlockadeBlockade.jpgCaravanCaravan.jpgCutpurseCutpurse.jpgIslandIsland.jpgSailorSailor.jpgSalvagerSalvager.jpgTide PoolsTide Pools.jpgTreasure MapTreasure Map.jpg $5 BazaarBazaar.jpgCorsairCorsair.jpgMerchant ShipMerchant Ship.jpgOutpostOutpost.jpgPiratePirate.jpgSea WitchSea Witch.jpgTacticianTactician.jpgTreasuryTreasury.jpgWharfWharf.jpg
Removed cards: $2 EmbargoEmbargo.jpgPearl DiverPearl Diver.jpg $3 AmbassadorAmbassador.jpg $4 NavigatorNavigator.jpgPirate ShipPirate Ship.jpgSea HagSea Hag.jpg $5 ExplorerExplorer.jpgGhost ShipGhost Ship.jpg
Alchemy P TransmuteTransmute.jpgVineyardVineyard.jpg $2 HerbalistHerbalist.jpg $2P ApothecaryApothecary.jpgScrying PoolScrying Pool.jpgUniversityUniversity.jpg $3P AlchemistAlchemist.jpgFamiliarFamiliar.jpgPhilosopher's StonePhilosopher's Stone.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $4P GolemGolem.jpg $5 ApprenticeApprentice.jpg $6P PossessionPossession.jpg
Prosperity $3 AnvilAnvil.jpgWatchtowerWatchtower.jpg $4 BishopBishop.jpgClerkClerk.jpgInvestmentInvestment.jpgTiaraTiara.jpgMonumentMonument.jpgQuarryQuarry.jpgWorker's VillageWorker's Village.jpg $5 CharlatanCharlatan.jpgCityCity.jpgCollectionCollection.jpgCrystal BallCrystal Ball.jpgMagnateMagnate.jpgMintMint.jpgRabbleRabble.jpgVaultVault.jpgWar ChestWar Chest.jpg $6 HoardHoard.jpg $6* Grand MarketGrand Market.jpg $7 BankBank.jpgExpandExpand.jpgForgeForge.jpgKing's CourtKing's Court.jpg $8star PeddlerPeddler.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
Removed cards: $3 LoanLoan.jpgTrade RouteTrade Route.jpg $4 TalismanTalisman.jpg $5 ContrabandContraband.jpgCounting HouseCounting House.jpgMountebankMountebank.jpgRoyal SealRoyal Seal.jpgVentureVenture.jpg $6 GoonsGoons.jpg
Cornucopia & Guilds $2 Candlestick MakerCandlestick Maker.jpgHamletHamlet.jpg $2+ FarrierFarrier.jpgStonemasonStonemason.jpg $3 MenagerieMenagerie.jpgShopShop.jpg $3+ InfirmaryInfirmary.jpg $4 AdvisorAdvisor.jpgFarmhandsFarmhands.jpgPlazaPlaza.jpgRemakeRemake.jpgYoung WitchYoung Witch.jpg $4+ HeraldHerald.jpg $5 BakerBaker.jpgButcherButcher.jpgCarnivalCarnival.jpgFerrymanFerryman.jpgFootpadFootpad.jpgHorn of PlentyHorn of Plenty.jpgHunting PartyHunting Party.jpgJesterJester.jpgJourneymanJourneyman.jpgJoustJoust.jpg (Rewards: CoronetCoronet.jpgCourserCourser.jpgDemesneDemesne.jpgHousecarlHousecarl.jpgHuge TurnipHuge Turnip.jpgRenownRenown.jpg)• Merchant GuildMerchant Guild.jpgSoothsayerSoothsayer.jpg $6 FairgroundsFairgrounds.jpg
Removed cards: $3 Fortune TellerFortune Teller.jpg $3+ DoctorDoctor.jpgMasterpieceMasterpiece.jpg $4 Farming VillageFarming Village.jpgHorse TradersHorse Traders.jpgTaxmanTaxman.jpgTournamentTournament.jpg (Prizes: Bag of GoldBag of Gold.jpgDiademDiadem.jpgFollowersFollowers.jpgPrincessPrincess.jpgTrusty SteedTrusty Steed.jpg) $5 HarvestHarvest.jpg
Hinterlands $2 CrossroadsCrossroads.jpgFool's GoldFool's Gold.jpg $3 DevelopDevelop.jpgGuard DogGuard Dog.jpgOasisOasis.jpgSchemeScheme.jpgTunnelTunnel.jpg $4 Jack of All TradesJack of All Trades.jpgNomadsNomads.jpgSpice MerchantSpice Merchant.jpgTraderTrader.jpgTrailTrail.jpgWeaverWeaver.jpg $5 BerserkerBerserker.jpgCartographerCartographer.jpgCauldronCauldron.jpgHagglerHaggler.jpgHighwayHighway.jpgInnInn.jpgMargraveMargrave.jpgSoukSouk.jpgStablesStables.jpgWheelwrightWheelwright.jpgWitch's HutWitch's Hut.jpg $6 Border VillageBorder Village.jpgFarmlandFarmland.jpg
Removed cards: $2 DuchessDuchess.jpg $3 OracleOracle.jpg $4 Noble BrigandNoble Brigand.jpgNomad CampNomad Camp.jpgSilk RoadSilk Road.jpg $5 CacheCache.jpgEmbassyEmbassy.jpgIll-Gotten GainsIll-Gotten Gains.jpgMandarinMandarin.jpg
Dark Ages $0 Ruins (Abandoned MineAbandoned Mine.jpgRuined LibraryRuined Library.jpgRuined MarketRuined Market.jpgRuined VillageRuined Village.jpgSurvivorsSurvivors.jpg) $0* SpoilsSpoils.jpg $1 Poor HousePoor House.jpgShelters (HovelHovel.jpgNecropolisNecropolis.jpgOvergrown EstateOvergrown Estate.jpg) $2 BeggarBeggar.jpgSquireSquire.jpgVagrantVagrant.jpg $3 ForagerForager.jpgHermitHermit.jpg (MadmanMadman.jpg) • Market SquareMarket Square.jpgSageSage.jpgStoreroomStoreroom.jpgUrchinUrchin.jpg (MercenaryMercenary.jpg) $4 ArmoryArmory.jpgDeath CartDeath Cart.jpgFeodumFeodum.jpgFortressFortress.jpgIronmongerIronmonger.jpgMarauderMarauder.jpgProcessionProcession.jpgRatsRats.jpgScavengerScavenger.jpgWandering MinstrelWandering Minstrel.jpg $5 Band of MisfitsBand of Misfits.jpgBandit CampBandit Camp.jpgCatacombsCatacombs.jpgCountCount.jpgCounterfeitCounterfeit.jpgCultistCultist.jpgGraverobberGraverobber.jpgJunk DealerJunk Dealer.jpgKnightsKnights.jpg (Dames AnnaDame Anna.jpgJosephineDame Josephine.jpgMollyDame Molly.jpgNatalieDame Natalie.jpgSylviaDame Sylvia.jpg • Sirs BaileySir Bailey.jpgDestrySir Destry.jpgMartinSir Martin.jpgMichaelSir Michael.jpgVanderSir Vander.jpg) • MysticMystic.jpgPillagePillage.jpgRebuildRebuild.jpgRogueRogue.jpg $6 AltarAltar.jpgHunting GroundsHunting Grounds.jpg
Adventures $2 Coin of the RealmCoin of the Realm.jpgPagePage.jpg (Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter.jpgWarriorWarrior.jpgHeroHero.jpgChampionChampion.jpg) • PeasantPeasant.jpg (SoldierSoldier.jpgFugitiveFugitive.jpgDiscipleDisciple.jpgTeacherTeacher.jpg) • RatcatcherRatcatcher.jpgRazeRaze.jpg $3 AmuletAmulet.jpgCaravan GuardCaravan Guard.jpgDungeonDungeon.jpgGearGear.jpgGuideGuide.jpg $4 DuplicateDuplicate.jpgMagpieMagpie.jpgMessengerMessenger.jpgMiserMiser.jpgPortPort.jpgRangerRanger.jpgTransmogrifyTransmogrify.jpg $5 ArtificerArtificer.jpgBridge TrollBridge Troll.jpgDistant LandsDistant Lands.jpgGiantGiant.jpgHaunted WoodsHaunted Woods.jpgLost CityLost City.jpgRelicRelic.jpgRoyal CarriageRoyal Carriage.jpgStorytellerStoryteller.jpgSwamp HagSwamp Hag.jpgTreasure TroveTreasure Trove.jpgWine MerchantWine Merchant.jpg $6 HirelingHireling.jpg
Events: $0 AlmsAlms.jpgBorrowBorrow.jpgQuestQuest.jpg $1 SaveSave.jpg $2 Scouting PartyScouting Party.jpgTravelling FairTravelling Fair.jpg $3 BonfireBonfire.jpgExpeditionExpedition.jpgFerryFerry.jpgPlanPlan.jpg $4 MissionMission.jpgPilgrimagePilgrimage.jpg $5 BallBall.jpgRaidRaid.jpgSeawaySeaway.jpgTradeTrade.jpg $6 Lost ArtsLost Arts.jpgTrainingTraining.jpg $7 InheritanceInheritance.jpg $8 PathfindingPathfinding.jpg
Empires 4D EngineerEngineer.jpg 8D City QuarterCity Quarter.jpgOverlordOverlord.jpgRoyal BlacksmithRoyal Blacksmith.jpg $2 EncampmentEncampment.jpg/PlunderPlunder.jpgPatricianPatrician.jpg/EmporiumEmporium.jpgSettlersSettlers.jpg/Bustling VillageBustling Village.jpg $3 CastlesCastles.jpg (HumbleHumble Castle.jpgCrumblingCrumbling Castle.jpgSmallSmall Castle.jpgHauntedHaunted Castle.jpgOpulentOpulent Castle.jpgSprawlingSprawling Castle.jpgGrandGrand Castle.jpgKing'sKing's Castle.jpg) • CatapultCatapult.jpg/RocksRocks.jpgChariot RaceChariot Race.jpgEnchantressEnchantress.jpgFarmers' MarketFarmers' Market.jpgGladiatorGladiator.jpg/FortuneFortune.jpg $4 SacrificeSacrifice.jpgTempleTemple.jpgVillaVilla.jpg $5 ArchiveArchive.jpgCapitalCapital.jpgCharmCharm.jpgCrownCrown.jpgForumForum.jpgGroundskeeperGroundskeeper.jpgLegionaryLegionary.jpgWild HuntWild Hunt.jpg
Events: 5D TriumphTriumph.jpg 8D AnnexAnnex.jpgDonateDonate.jpg $0 AdvanceAdvance.jpg $2 DelveDelve.jpgTaxTax.jpg $3 BanquetBanquet.jpg $4 RitualRitual.jpgSalt the EarthSalt the Earth.jpg $43D WeddingWedding.jpg $5 WindfallWindfall.jpg $6 ConquestConquest.jpg $14 DominateDominate.jpg
Landmarks: AqueductAqueduct.jpgArenaArena.jpgBandit FortBandit Fort.jpgBasilicaBasilica.jpgBathsBaths.jpgBattlefieldBattlefield.jpgColonnadeColonnade.jpgDefiled ShrineDefiled Shrine.jpgFountainFountain.jpgKeepKeep.jpgLabyrinthLabyrinth.jpgMountain PassMountain Pass.jpgMuseumMuseum.jpgObeliskObelisk.jpgOrchardOrchard.jpgPalacePalace.jpgTombTomb.jpgTowerTower.jpgTriumphal ArchTriumphal Arch.jpgWallWall.jpgWolf DenWolf Den.jpg
Nocturne $0* Will-o'-WispWill-o'-Wisp.jpgWishWish.jpg $2 DruidDruid.jpgFaithful HoundFaithful Hound.jpgGuardianGuardian.jpgMonasteryMonastery.jpgPixiePixie.jpg (GoatGoat.jpg) • TrackerTracker.jpg (PouchPouch.jpg) $2* ImpImp.jpg $3 ChangelingChangeling.jpgFoolFool.jpg (Lost in the WoodsLost in the Woods.jpgLucky CoinLucky Coin.jpg) • Ghost TownGhost Town.jpgLeprechaunLeprechaun.jpgNight WatchmanNight Watchman.jpgSecret CaveSecret Cave.jpg (Magic LampMagic Lamp.jpg) $4 BardBard.jpgBlessed VillageBlessed Village.jpgCemeteryCemetery.jpg (Haunted MirrorHaunted Mirror.jpg) • ConclaveConclave.jpgDevil's WorkshopDevil's Workshop.jpgExorcistExorcist.jpgNecromancerNecromancer.jpg (Zombies: ApprenticeZombie Apprentice.jpgMasonZombie Mason.jpgSpyZombie Spy.jpg) • ShepherdShepherd.jpg (PasturePasture.jpg) • SkulkSkulk.jpg $4* GhostGhost.jpg $5 CobblerCobbler.jpgCryptCrypt.jpgCursed VillageCursed Village.jpgDen of SinDen of Sin.jpgIdolIdol.jpgPookaPooka.jpg (Cursed GoldCursed Gold.jpg) • Sacred GroveSacred Grove.jpgTormentorTormentor.jpgTragic HeroTragic Hero.jpgVampireVampire.jpg (BatBat.jpg) • WerewolfWerewolf.jpg $6 RaiderRaider.jpg
Boons: The Earth's GiftThe Earth's Gift.jpgFieldThe Field's Gift.jpgFlameThe Flame's Gift.jpgForestThe Forest's Gift.jpgMoonThe Moon's Gift.jpgMountainThe Mountain's Gift.jpgRiverThe River's Gift.jpgSeaThe Sea's Gift.jpgSkyThe Sky's Gift.jpgSunThe Sun's Gift.jpgSwampThe Swamp's Gift.jpgWindThe Wind's Gift.jpg
Hexes: Bad OmensBad Omens.jpgDelusionDelusion.jpg (DeludedDeluded.jpg) • EnvyEnvy.jpg (EnviousEnvious.jpg) • FamineFamine.jpgFearFear.jpgGreedGreed.jpgHauntingHaunting.jpgLocustsLocusts.jpgMiseryMisery.jpg (MiserableMiserable.jpg/Twice MiserableTwice Miserable.jpg) • PlaguePlague.jpgPovertyPoverty.jpgWarWar.jpg
Renaissance $2 Border GuardBorder Guard.jpg (HornHorn.jpgLanternLantern.jpg) • DucatDucat.jpgLackeysLackeys.jpg $3 Acting TroupeActing Troupe.jpgCargo ShipCargo Ship.jpgExperimentExperiment.jpgImproveImprove.jpg $4 Flag BearerFlag Bearer.jpg (FlagFlag.jpg) • HideoutHideout.jpgInventorInventor.jpgMountain VillageMountain Village.jpgPatronPatron.jpgPriestPriest.jpgResearchResearch.jpgSilk MerchantSilk Merchant.jpg $5 Old WitchOld Witch.jpgRecruiterRecruiter.jpgScepterScepter.jpgScholarScholar.jpgSculptorSculptor.jpgSeerSeer.jpgSpicesSpices.jpgSwashbucklerSwashbuckler.jpg (Treasure ChestTreasure Chest.jpg) • TreasurerTreasurer.jpg (KeyKey.jpg) • VillainVillain.jpg
Projects: $3 CathedralCathedral.jpgCity GateCity Gate.jpgPageantPageant.jpgSewersSewers.jpgStar ChartStar Chart.jpg $4 ExplorationExploration.jpgFairFair.jpgSilosSilos.jpgSinister PlotSinister Plot.jpg $5 AcademyAcademy.jpgCapitalismCapitalism.jpgFleetFleet.jpgGuildhallGuildhall.jpgPiazzaPiazza.jpgRoad NetworkRoad Network.jpg $6 BarracksBarracks.jpgCrop RotationCrop Rotation.jpgInnovationInnovation.jpg $7 CanalCanal.jpg $8 CitadelCitadel.jpg
Menagerie $2 Black CatBlack Cat.jpgSleighSleigh.jpgSuppliesSupplies.jpg $3 Camel TrainCamel Train.jpgGoatherdGoatherd.jpgScrapScrap.jpgSheepdogSheepdog.jpgSnowy VillageSnowy Village.jpgStockpileStockpile.jpg $3* HorseHorse.jpg $4 Bounty HunterBounty Hunter.jpgCardinalCardinal.jpgCavalryCavalry.jpgGroomGroom.jpgHostelryHostelry.jpgVillage GreenVillage Green.jpg $5 BargeBarge.jpgCovenCoven.jpgDisplaceDisplace.jpgFalconerFalconer.jpgGatekeeperGatekeeper.jpgHunting LodgeHunting Lodge.jpgKilnKiln.jpgLiveryLivery.jpgMastermindMastermind.jpgPaddockPaddock.jpgSanctuarySanctuary.jpg $5* FishermanFisherman.jpg $6* DestrierDestrier.jpgWayfarerWayfarer.jpg $7* Animal FairAnimal Fair.jpg
Events: $0 DelayDelay.jpgDesperationDesperation.jpg $2 GambleGamble.jpgPursuePursue.jpgRideRide.jpgToilToil.jpg $3 EnhanceEnhance.jpgMarchMarch.jpgTransportTransport.jpg $4 BanishBanish.jpgBargainBargain.jpgInvestInvest.jpgSeize the DaySeize the Day.jpg $5 CommerceCommerce.jpgDemandDemand.jpgStampedeStampede.jpg $7 ReapReap.jpg $8 EnclaveEnclave.jpg $10 AllianceAlliance.jpgPopulatePopulate.jpg
Ways: ButterflyWay of the Butterfly.jpgCamelWay of the Camel.jpgChameleonWay of the Chameleon.jpgFrogWay of the Frog.jpgGoatWay of the Goat.jpgHorseWay of the Horse.jpgMoleWay of the Mole.jpgMonkeyWay of the Monkey.jpgMouseWay of the Mouse.jpgMuleWay of the Mule.jpgOtterWay of the Otter.jpgOwlWay of the Owl.jpgOxWay of the Ox.jpgPigWay of the Pig.jpgRatWay of the Rat.jpgSealWay of the Seal.jpgSheepWay of the Sheep.jpgSquirrelWay of the Squirrel.jpgTurtleWay of the Turtle.jpgWormWay of the Worm.jpg
Allies $2 BaubleBauble.jpgSycophantSycophant.jpgTownsfolkTownsfolk.jpg (Town CrierTown Crier.jpg / BlacksmithBlacksmith.jpg / MillerMiller.jpg / ElderElder.jpg) $3 AugursAugurs.jpg (Herb GathererHerb Gatherer.jpg / AcolyteAcolyte.jpg / SorceressSorceress.jpg / SibylSibyl.jpg) • ClashesClashes.jpg (Battle PlanBattle Plan.jpg / ArcherArcher.jpg / WarlordWarlord.jpg / TerritoryTerritory.jpg) • FortsForts.jpg (TentTent.jpg / GarrisonGarrison.jpg / Hill FortHill Fort.jpg / StrongholdStronghold.jpg) • ImporterImporter.jpgMerchant CampMerchant Camp.jpgOdysseysOdysseys.jpg (Old MapOld Map.jpg / VoyageVoyage.jpg / Sunken TreasureSunken Treasure.jpg / Distant ShoreDistant Shore.jpg) • SentinelSentinel.jpgUnderlingUnderling.jpgWizardsWizards.jpg (StudentStudent.jpg / ConjurerConjurer.jpg / SorcererSorcerer.jpg / LichLich.jpg) $4 BrokerBroker.jpgCarpenterCarpenter.jpgCourierCourier.jpgInnkeeperInnkeeper.jpgRoyal GalleyRoyal Galley.jpgTownTown.jpg $5 BarbarianBarbarian.jpgCapital CityCapital City.jpgContractContract.jpgEmissaryEmissary.jpgGalleriaGalleria.jpgGuildmasterGuildmaster.jpgHighwaymanHighwayman.jpgHunterHunter.jpgModifyModify.jpgSkirmisherSkirmisher.jpgSpecialistSpecialist.jpgSwapSwap.jpg $6 MarquisMarquis.jpg
Allies: Architects' GuildArchitects' Guild.jpgBand of NomadsBand of Nomads.jpgCave DwellersCave Dwellers.jpgCircle of WitchesCircle of Witches.jpgCity-stateCity-state.jpgCoastal HavenCoastal Haven.jpgCrafters' GuildCrafters' Guild.jpgDesert GuidesDesert Guides.jpgFamily of InventorsFamily of Inventors.jpgFellowship of ScribesFellowship of Scribes.jpgForest DwellersForest Dwellers.jpgGang of PickpocketsGang of Pickpockets.jpgIsland FolkIsland Folk.jpgLeague of BankersLeague of Bankers.jpgLeague of ShopkeepersLeague of Shopkeepers.jpgMarket TownsMarket Towns.jpgMountain FolkMountain Folk.jpgOrder of AstrologersOrder of Astrologers.jpgOrder of MasonsOrder of Masons.jpgPeaceful CultPeaceful Cult.jpgPlateau ShepherdsPlateau Shepherds.jpgTrappers' LodgeTrappers' Lodge.jpgWoodworkers' GuildWoodworkers' Guild.jpg
Plunder $2 CageCage.jpgGrottoGrotto.jpgJewelled EggJewelled Egg.jpgSearchSearch.jpgShamanShaman.jpg $3 Secluded ShrineSecluded Shrine.jpgSirenSiren.jpgStowawayStowaway.jpgTaskmasterTaskmaster.jpg $4 AbundanceAbundance.jpgCabin BoyCabin Boy.jpgCrucibleCrucible.jpgFlagshipFlagship.jpgFortune HunterFortune Hunter.jpgGondolaGondola.jpgHarbor VillageHarbor Village.jpgLanding PartyLanding Party.jpgMapmakerMapmaker.jpgMaroonMaroon.jpgRopeRope.jpgSwamp ShacksSwamp Shacks.jpgToolsTools.jpg $5 Buried TreasureBuried Treasure.jpgCrewCrew.jpgCutthroatCutthroat.jpgEnlargeEnlarge.jpgFigurineFigurine.jpgFirst MateFirst Mate.jpgFrigateFrigate.jpgLongshipLongship.jpgMining RoadMining Road.jpgPendantPendant.jpgPickaxePickaxe.jpgPilgrimPilgrim.jpgQuartermasterQuartermaster.jpgSilver MineSilver Mine.jpgTricksterTrickster.jpgWealthy VillageWealthy Village.jpg $6 Sack of LootSack of Loot.jpg $7 King's CacheKing's Cache.jpg $7* Loots (AmphoraAmphora.jpgDoubloonsDoubloons.jpgEndless ChaliceEndless Chalice.jpgFigureheadFigurehead.jpgHammerHammer.jpgInsigniaInsignia.jpgJewelsJewels.jpgOrbOrb.jpgPrize GoatPrize Goat.jpgPuzzle BoxPuzzle Box.jpgSextantSextant.jpgShieldShield.jpgSpell ScrollSpell Scroll.jpgStaffStaff.jpgSwordSword.jpg)
Events: $1 BuryBury.jpg $2 AvoidAvoid.jpgDeliverDeliver.jpgPerilPeril.jpgRushRush.jpg $3 ForayForay.jpgLaunchLaunch.jpgMirrorMirror.jpgPreparePrepare.jpgScroungeScrounge.jpg $4 MaelstromMaelstrom.jpgJourneyJourney.jpg $6 LootingLooting.jpg $10 InvasionInvasion.jpgProsperProsper.jpg
Traits: CheapCheap.jpgCursedCursed.jpgFatedFated.jpgFawningFawning.jpgFriendlyFriendly.jpgHastyHasty.jpgInheritedInherited.jpgInspiringInspiring.jpgNearbyNearby.jpgPatientPatient.jpgPiousPious.jpgRecklessReckless.jpgRichRich.jpgShyShy.jpgTirelessTireless.jpg
Promo $3 Black MarketBlack Market.jpgChurchChurch.jpg $4 DismantleDismantle.jpgEnvoyEnvoy.jpgSaunaSauna.jpg/AvantoAvanto.jpgWalled VillageWalled Village.jpg $5 GovernorGovernor.jpgMarchlandMarchland.jpgStashStash.jpg $6 CaptainCaptain.jpg $8 PrincePrince.jpg
Events: $5 SummonSummon.jpg
Base Cards $0 CopperCopper.jpgCurseCurse.jpg $2 EstateEstate.jpg $3 SilverSilver.jpg $4 PotionPotion.jpg $5 DuchyDuchy.jpg $6 GoldGold.jpg $8 ProvinceProvince.jpg $9 PlatinumPlatinum.jpg $11 ColonyColony.jpg
See also: Second EditionErrataOuttakes (Confusion) • Fan cardsCard storageList of cards (in other languages)
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